[ ♦ G R A P H I C S ♦ ]

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10:04pm Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 11:25pm Jan 25 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477


Choose your next destination:

v 3.126 or something.


Stuff & Prices:

Custom Icon/Avatar- 1mil 
(Tiny and simple, Multi-use. 100x100 size)

Small Banner-1.5mil 
(Smaller than your average banner. No larger than 350x200)

'Siggie' Banner- 2mil 
(Small-Medium shaped banner suited for Signatures. No larger than 600px x 400px)

Large Banner- 4mil 
(For when you'd like something ridiculously large, No wider than 600px)

Alternatively, I will take:
4 easero feather = 1mil
Art Trade (Rmail me!)



For fonts, feel free to use tle="" target="_blank">Dafont!
Choose your color type under "THE HEX HUB"

                              Banner Type: Icon, Siggie, large..?
                              Banner BG/Color: Pattern, image, color..? 
                              What do you want?: Creatu, animals, borders, text..?
                              Font & Color:  tle="" target="_blank">www.dafont.com orange [font name]..?
                              Anything else?: Did I miss anything..?


10:04pm Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 11:26pm Jan 25 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477

Choose your next destination:

v 2.0


Q: What are creatu fusions?

A: THESE are creatu fusions!

Natural Shaefu/Paor/Liyure
Black Liyure/Iluvu/Otachie

Black Wyrae/Veram

Zoe's... Booger.
No seriously, that's what she named it.

Get the gist? Awesome!


• I have the right to decline any order that I find near impossible to do.

• I will not fuse creatu of completely opposite/different Genuses! 
For a guide on what you can order, see Kitty's creatu Genus!
I will make genus exceptions for 2 creatu fusions ONLY.

• To prove you have read the rules, include "Wobble butt" with your order.
Yes, it is necessary!

• I have only ever fused Quelis once and it was terrible they are impossible specimen snails and cannot be fused with anything im sorry.


2mil for a fusion including 2 creatu.
1mil will be added with every creatu you request to fuse. (excluding the first 2.)

Alternatively, I will take:
4 easero feather = 1mil
Art Trade (Rmail me!)

If I choose to add more creatu to your fusion without your consent, It will not charge you extra!
This can happen if you order me to "go crazy", or to "see what I come up with!"
See 'Booger' as an example!

                 Creatu: Veram, Otachie, Ahea..?
                 Any specific colored creatu?: (Leave blank for me to decide)
                 Anything else?: (Leave blank if you do not wish to request extra details)

Have any questions? Feel free to ask me!


10:04pm Dec 5 2014 (last edited on 3:35am Dec 26 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477

Choose your next destination:

Paid/Not paid
I ask that if you can, please pay before I finish your order!
If your work is complete, it will have a ✓ next to your order!







If your order is not listed below, you have either not paid or I have forgotten! :')
Please remind me if that happens!
I will also let you know if you haven't paid via rmail!
(List is in Alphabetical Order)

.:Cecil :.

.: Dragonstar :.
fighting Techniques: tle="" target="_blank">[♦]
Unique Battle Skills: tle="" target="_blank">[♦]
Medicine Cat Ceremony: tle="" target="_blank">[♦]
Medicine Cat Path: tle="" target="_blank">[♦]
Medicine Cat Herbs: tle="" target="_blank">[♦]
Diseases and Condition: tle="" target="_blank">[♦]
Apprentice Ceremony: tle="" target="_blank">[♦]

.: Jess :.

.: RuRu13 :.
Pumpkin King Banner tle="" target="_blank">[♦]


12:33am Dec 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 102
Just bumping, I love the fusions~

I love Shaefu.

12:49am Dec 6 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
/sits on

If I finish the Piyeroo can I claim a banner slot

(I'm a bad friend sorry)


1:24am Dec 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


I'll be back later.... o3o

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


1:50am Dec 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
thank ya'll ;v;


3:38am Dec 6 2014 (last edited on 3:39am Dec 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
i'm gonna order one.. I will send the TU when i wake up tomorrow... It's 2 am here.. xD

Banner Type: Siggy banner please
Banner BG/Color:  this image please: (more towards the top with the moon and the trees)
What do you want?: could i get rabid pumpkins along the bottom and maybe a little on the sides?
Font & Color:  red [face your fears font] Fear the Pumpkin King
Anything else?: nope! :3


5:08am Dec 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Ruru, your commission is finished c: Just awaiting payment now!


4:08pm Dec 6 2014

Normal User

Posts: 5,542
I sent you the TU :3 Just in case you look at your forum before you see the alert. :3


4:58pm Dec 6 2014 (last edited on 4:58pm Dec 6 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Thank you Ru! c:

If you'd like anything changed, let me know <3
If not, here's the url:


6:04pm Dec 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477


6:25pm Dec 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

I have a brief question.

I know that you have set sizes that you go up to, but would you do some banners that are 700x160?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


7:33pm Dec 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 969
subs bc i would like a banner uwu i'll come back in like a day


8:38pm Dec 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Dragonstar: I can, but trouble is, is if it's used in forums, it'll stretch the page due to being wider than 600px ;v; And they don't fit properly on profiles; but if you'd really like one that specific size, I'll be happy to deliver!! <3

also thank u petti ;v;


9:43pm Dec 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

Awesome. But the thing is, I'm not going to use them on Rescreatu. I'll be using them on a personal website that's currently down for a total revamp.

And the style I'm using will fit the 700x160 banner.

I'll be back with some banner forms~

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


9:44pm Dec 7 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
Awesome!! :D I look forward to doing them~ *u*


10:27pm Dec 7 2014 (last edited on 10:27pm Dec 7 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 5,310

All sizes 700 x 160.

Banner Type: Large
Banner BG/Color: http://th01.deviantart.net/fs70/PRE/i/2012/036/f/f/space_rose_inverted_by_tasorius2-d4osqvg.jpg  
What do you want?: Text – VoidClan ||  ^ As the background, but the upper swirly mass. Other than that, surprise me!
Font & Color:  http://www.dafont.com/mademoiselle-camille.font?text=VoidClan&psize=l&back=new The Mademoiselle Camille L type. As for colour, something that goes along with the image.
Anything else?: Maybe, you could add a black cat with green eyes on it somewhere?

Banner Type: Large
Banner BG/Color: http://flushedwithrosycolour.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/tree-blue-sky-and-sunrays.jpg 
What do you want?: Text – SkyClan || ^ Part tree/leaves, part sky and that white-y bit on the side. Other than that, surprise me!
Font & Color:  http://www.dafont.com/olympic-branding.font?text=SkyClan&psize=l&back=new As for colour, something that goes along with the image.
Anything else?: Maybe, you could add a white cat with green eyes on it somewhere?

Banner Type: Large
Banner BG/Color:  http://movingtofreedom.org/images/2012/11/120723_102530-brule-river-judge-cr-magney-state-park-minnesota-by-scott-carpenter-cc-by-sa-3-2816x2112.jpg 
What do you want?: Text – ShoreClan || ^ A bit of shoreline, some river, some tree-stuff. Other than that, surprise me!
Font & Color:  http://www.dafont.com/mchandwriting.font?text=ShoreClan As for colour, something that goes along with the image.
Anything else?: Maybe, you could add an orange tabby with amber-ish eyes on it somewhere?

Banner Type: Icon, Large
Banner BG/Color: http://imagesbybay.com/images/Forest-Lake_MG_7761.jpg 
What do you want?: Text – HollowClan || ^ Some of the trunks and lower branches. Other than that, surprise me!
Font & Color:  http://www.dafont.com/matias-font.font?text=HollowClan As for colour, something that goes along with the image.
Anything else?: Maybe, you could add a brown tabby with green eyes on it somewhere?

Banner Type: Larger
Banner BG/Color: http://www.extremetech.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/vlventarones24wb3.jpg 
What do you want?: Text – StarClan || ^ Part of the Milky Way and part of some of the stars. Other than that, surprise me!
Font & Color:  http://www.dafont.com/cyrodiil.font?text=StarClan <= The regular one, not any of the other ones. As for colour, something that goes along with the image. As for colour, something that goes along with the image.
Anything else?: Nope

Banner Type: Large
Banner BG/Color: http://theflamesofdarkness.webs.com/301abstract-flame.jpg 
What do you want?: Text – The Lost Ones || ^ Maybe turn it on its side (the one were the abstract fire is based), and get the tips of the flames. Other than that, surprise me!
Font & Color:  http://www.dafont.com/malefic-font.font?text=The+Lost+Ones&back=new As for colour, something that goes along with the image.
Anything else?: Nope

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.


2:21am Dec 8 2014 (last edited on 2:31am Dec 8 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
All done Dragonstar! ;v;
I'll resize them later when i remember how |D

I decided to add some fog to the HollowClan ;v; If you don't like it, I can remove it easily!
The Stars on the StarClan are transparent *u* They're not just white eheh (that'd look terrible D:)
If you want me to change the stars into something different of your choice, I'll also be happy to do so~ c:
With that said, If you'd like anything changed, let me know! ;v;

If not here are the links!
 VoidClan: http://i.imgur.com/PtFZika.png
SkyClan: http://i.imgur.com/27dyDh1.png
ShoreClan: http://i.imgur.com/CxayvFI.png
 HollowClan: http://i.imgur.com/OC4PiLC.png
StarClan: http://i.imgur.com/IdNoL0s.png
Lost Ones: http://i.imgur.com/lPuNy4b.png


2:28am Dec 8 2014

Normal User

Posts: 5,310


I lurve them!

I'll definitely be coming back for more.

And I owe you.... 24m?

Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.

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