{I.N.S.A.N.E. Breedables} *Louhi*

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1:23am Jan 10 2013 (last edited on 7:15pm Jan 29 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 707
.: L O U H I : .
The Louhi is back! 
Another year, another start. Momma Louhi has returned with a new batch of adorable lil' pups!

.: R U L E S : .

I. Do not steal, or resell.
II. I will only take 5 orders at a time.
III. Each user is only allowed to order once at a time. No multiple orders.
IV. Unclaimed Louhi will be deleted after 2 weeks.

.: A D O P T I O N : .
[Female Louhi]
Female Louhi are more prone to some mutations than males are. These include the common mutations, the Aura of good, albinism, transparent glass, and ghostly. Patterns are random.

Cost: 100K

[Male Louhi]
Male Louhi are more prone to some mutations than females are. These include the uncommon mutations, the Aura of evil, melanism, skeletal, and undead. Patterns are random.

Cost: 100K

[Radioactive Louhi]
Radioactive Louhi have a 100% chance of a mutation of some sort from the list below. Patterns are random.

Cost: 150K

[Custom Louhi]
Custom Louhi give the user a chance to customise the design of the Louhi, as well as to choose its gender. However, custom Louhi will not come with any random mutation.

Cost: 150K

[Louhi Revamp]
Some users have ordered Louhi before, and if you have one, and want it revamped into the new base, feel free to do so.

Cost: 50K

.: M U T A T I O N S : .

Common Mutations: Bird Wings: 34% Bat wings: 9% Mane: 24% Horn: 9% Teeth and claws: 7% Butterfly Wings: 9% 
Mini wings: 4%

Aura Mutations: Aura of Evil: 4% Aura of Good: 4%

Coloration defects: Albinism: .9% Melanism: .9%

Uncommon Mutations: Cerberus: 1% Orthrus: 1% Multi Tail: 1% Multi Limb: 1% Alien: 1%

Rare Mutations: Scales: .9% Transparent Glass: .1% Robotic: .2% Skeletal: .4% Undead: .1% Ghostly: .1%

.: F O R M : .

Louhi Type:
Gender of Louhi
Name of Louhi:
Custom?(If custom, post ref):
Revamp?(If so, please post original Louhi):

.: S L O T S : .

S T I L L  C L O S E D 


1:24am Jan 10 2013 (last edited on 7:16pm Jan 29 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 707
.: B R E E D I N G : .

Once You have a male and female Louhi, you may breed them.
*Note: You may not choose the gender of your pup. The stats are 75% chance of a male, and a 25% chance of a female*

[Regular Breeding Potion]
The regular breeding potion does not guarantee a successful breeding. The rate of success is determined by the average percentage from the two parent Louhi.

Cost: 50K

[Radioactive Breeding Potion]
The radioactive breeding potion guarantees a mutation of the pup. it also greatly raises the chance of having twins, or even triplets (roughly a 1% chance normally). However, it lowers the chance of a successful breeding by 10%.

Cost: 100K

[Gold Breeding Potion]
The gold breeding potion guarantees a successful breeding, no matter the success rate percentage form the parent Louhi

Cost: 100K

[Ultimate Breeding Potion]
The ultimate breeding potion guarantees a successful breeding, no matter the success rate percentage form the parent Louhi. It also guarantees a mutation and raises the chance of having twins or triplets. 

Cost: 200K

.: F O R M : .

Potion Type:
Name of Louhi:
Link to Parent Louhi #1:
Link to parent Louhi #2:

.: B R E E D I N G  S L O T S : .



1:24am Jan 10 2013 (last edited on 7:23pm Sep 8 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 707
.: P I C K U P : .
Mangadreamer: [Larka] [Fell]
Tsukihikaru: [Dyleo] 
Canada: [Lys] [Amour] [Paul]
ElmerJfudd: [Tash]
FallynDreamz: [Ari] [Rac]
Jenny: [Sakure]
Neomaemae: [Kaerann] [Kohu] 
Uniquesoul: [Rumaty] 
Winterlove: [Thirrin] 
Lakeore: [Carnen] 


5:29am Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

So cute! <3

Username: Mangadreamer
Louhi Type: Radioactive
Gender of Louhi: Female
Name of Louhi: Larka


11:05am Jan 10 2013 (last edited on 11:05am Jan 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 709
Username: tsukihikaru
Louhi Type: Radioactive
Name of Louhi: Dyleo

Should I send the TU now or after I get the adoptable?


11:49am Jan 10 2013


Posts: 3,217

rt if this is a stupid question

But when ordering a custom adoptables

Does the mutantions have to be from the list?

Or can we add our own unique ones?

I'll happy pay more for a unique mutantion




2:45pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,189
Username: Canada
Louhi Type: female
Gender of Louhi female
Name of Louhi: Lys
Custom?(If custom, post ref): none
Revamp?(If so, please post original Louhi): none

thanks x-x they are adorable!


3:46pm Jan 10 2013 (last edited on 3:48pm Jan 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 707
@ Zen: Customs can have any "mutation", I'm just saying that the random mutations will not be generated. 


3:47pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,372
Username: Requiem
Louhi Type: Radioactive
Gender of Louhi: Male
Name of Louhi: (will name once I see it)
Custom?: No
Revamp?: No

Thank you so much!


4:13pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 620
Username: ElmerJFudd
Louhi Type: Radioactive
Gender of Louhi: Female
Name of Louhi: Tash
Custom?(If custom, post ref): Nope
Revamp?(If so, please post original Louhi): Nope

Thanks a bunch! 8D


6:49pm Jan 10 2013 (last edited on 6:57pm Jan 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 707

Name: Larka
Gender: Female
Mutations: Scales, Teeth & Claws
Breeding Success Rate: 90%
Owned by: Mangadreamer


7:53pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,367

Thank you so much! She's gorgeous. Sending the TU now.

I want you to know that this computer is new and I've been resisting saving stuff to it, but this is the first image I'm saving on here. <3


8:33pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 335
Subscribing, waiting for a slot to open ^^


9:04pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 707
@Mangadreamer: I received the tu, thankyou :) 


10:14pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,893
-lurking- o3o

i’m such a gamer uwu

10:33pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 707

Name: Dyleo
Gender: Female
Mutations: Bird wings, Ram horns
Breeding Success Rate: 94%
Owned by: Tsukihikaru


11:01pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 707

Name: Lys
Gender: Female
Mutations: Teeth and Claws
Breeding Success Rate: 90%
Owned by: Canada


11:04pm Jan 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 709
Sent the TU, thanks!


12:31am Jan 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 707

Name: To be Named
Gender: male
Mutations: Three Fox tails, Alien horns, *blind
Breeding Success Rate: 86%
Owned by: Requiem


1:07am Jan 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 707

Name: Tash
Gender: Female
Mutations: Alien Eyes, Alien Antennae, Scales
Breeding Success Rate: 84%
Owned by: ElmerJFudd

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