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Yus. Adopt a critter today.
˚˚All design credits goes to me.
˚˚Please. No stealing the designs. If I catch you ordering art that has a design almost exactly like one of the fursonas on this thread, I will either report you right away, or put you into question.
˚˚Only one person can buy a fursona. This is not an adoption thread where you can buy recolors of the same design.
˚˚The fursonas come in a set color and name. You will have to pay extra in order to change the colors, name.
˚˚Looks CANNOT be changed unless we have a deal
˚˚ If any of these rules are not followed I will put you in question through rmail and report you if nessesary!!
˚˚Regular Adoption: 250k
˚˚Name Potion: 50k (changes the given name of a pet, Only one can be bought per adoption.)
˚˚Color potion: 100k (gives you the chance to change the ENTIRE colorization of your adopted fursona)
˚˚Shadow Potion: 100k (This is to be used after color potion. When bought, I will put shading on your whole adoption for you)
˚˚Gender potion: 100k (Changes the gender.)
Oh looky here, we have just had a new litter or cute little critters.
Come quick, for we do not reserve or hold.
This is Carolynn. She is a fox omni hybrid and needs a home. Adopt her today!
˚˚Customs on this thread, does not mean you get a custom made art fursona! If you want to order that go to Wish.Inc
˚˚Customs in this thread means you make suggestions for future fursonas. I will not make it just for you. If I make it at all I will put a few different types out and
anyone can buy them!
˚˚DO NOT suggest your own fursona, or someone else's for what it is worth! If you do that I will not make your idea AT ALL!
˚˚If you have a suggestion please fill this out.
˚˚Suggestion idea:
˚˚Reason for suggestion:
˚˚I expect reasonable ideas. Nothing like (ex. I think you should make a horsefly with a long beard!) I will not tolerate silly ideas.
Thank You, I appreciate your business ^^