Hi, I'm Luke.
I'm giving you the opportunity to adopt a PuffleBall!
What Is A PuffleBall?
A PuffleBall is a small, furry creature that is native to Madagascar. It's pupils are a unique white color, but their fur can either be red, orange, yellow, green, dark green, blue, purple, brown, or black. They are cute and lovable; they make great pets!
How Did I Make the PuffleBall?
1. I drew the puffleball on a sheet of paper with a Sharpie.
2. I scanned it.
3. I copy and pasted it 8 times, so I then had 9 PB's.
4. I then printed out the PB's and colored them in with colored pencils.
5. I scanned the colored PB's and then saved the document in Paint.
6. I uploaded them to PhotoBucket and got links. (I used my sister's PhotoBucket: ThaliaFlame98)
*I'm explaining how I made them because I've seen alot of people get accused of copying other's work, and I don't want that to happen to me.*
How Do You Adopt A PuffleBall?
Fill out this form:
Color PB:
Any extras?:
What Do PuffleBalls Look Like?
Extras on a PB can include: hats, flowers, glasses, ect..
However, extras cost 2k each, being that I don't have access to my scanner 24/7.
How Much Do PuffleBalls Cost?
PuffleBalls cost 50k each.
If you wish to have an extra, they cost 52k each.
You can order as many as your heart desires.
Awaiting Orders:
Finished Orders: