Hai im Gymni, Sophs First Creatu! :D so you want a pet, but are not sure exactly what? well Soph knows of a cave where all sorts of wonderful creatures live, and they all need homes. there are so many strange pets there that everyone will be happy !
but--its hard to get to this cave. for 50k, Sophie will climb up and find a pet to satisfy your wants, as long as you promise to give them a good home.
here are a few pets that we have seen there before-

We named this one Hopi :)

And this one is Kizmah <3
Since its hard to get there, and there are so many different types, Soph says that she wont go looking for specific pets. But no worries, there all cute and luffly.
Order Form !!
Attributes You Like:
Colors You Prefer:
Markings You Want:
Wull You Give Your Pet A Good Home?:
once i find the right pet, i will post it here for you to name :D and ill make a kinda birth certificate kinda of thing.
Thanks For Your Intrest! Have Fun With Your New Friend :3