3,500,000 TU!!
That's right, Hakoge is offering up her artistic services!
However, this is a little different.
Because of difficulties taking normal commissions, I've decided to auction off lineart I do in my free time!
What happens for you if you win? Well, I'll color the picture for you however you like!
Small edits can also be made to the picture once you've won the auction-- Things like horns, altering the markings, adding new markings, even hair and piercings if you want!
Not only do you get the finished picture when you win, as well as permission to use it however you like (for example, finding another artist to make it into a banner or other graphic design for your userpage, pet page, etc!), but you also win the exclusive rights to do whatever you want with the original clean lineart itself! Try coloring it yourself, alter it however you like! :D
All I ask is that you don't re-sell them, and PLEASE keep my signature on the piece and provide credit when it's posted! (Excluding banners/graphic stuff here on the site!)
Whew, that was alot of typing! Now let's get to the point!
I figured for my first auction here on the site, I'd do something Rescreatu related! :D So here's my first lineart: A Chimby!
This picture is the resized version-- The original larger version will be sent to the winner of the auction!
And with that out of the way, let's start the bidding at 150,000 Tu!
And again, the winner will receive:
+ Customized color version of the picture, including modifications (horns, hair, accessories)
+ Rights to use that image however they wish (Just leave signature, and give credit where credit is due!)
+ Exclusive rights to the original clean lineart, to do whatever you like! (Again, leave signature, give credit!)
Let the bidding begin, and have fun! :D
Auction will end TUESDAY, MAY 4TH AT MIDNIGHT!
Current Highest Bid:
3,500,000 Tu
Previous Bids:
Uwibami: 2,800,000
Kittz: 2,600,000
Uwibami: 2,400,000
Kittz: 2,200,000
Uwibami: 2,000,000
Kittz: 1,800,000
Uwibami: 1,500,000
AlaynaAuditore: 1,000,000
Uwibami: 700,000
FoxCrazy: 300,000
EmoRotweiler: 250,000
FoxCrazy: 200,000
Flareboy123: 150,000