Hola Amigos!
I am taking Commsions!
Here are some art examples:
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Small I know...My computer wouldn't let me put bigger examples.

I ran through the forest. As I did so, I could hear the crunch of freshly fallen leaves as I stepped upon them, The lonely male birds longing for a mate and the whistle of the wind filled my ears. I stopped running as I reached the pond.
"Ah, yes..." I said to myself. "The mating pond," I sat on my haunches and waited for a lonely female wolf to accompany me. I howled for a female to notice me here. I heard a rustling sound from within the bushes. I turned around to see a white wolf before me. Her scruffy white tail brushed against the bush.
"Why Hello there," She said.
"h-Hi," I studdered
She giggled. I could see that innocent look in her eyes. She walked toward me slowly, But her stride seemed like she was eager not to look rushed. She smiled again. I smiled back. What if she doesn't like me? What if she isn't the one who had anwsered me plee for a mate, I thought, Scared. I shuddered.
"Sooo...." I muttered, Nervously. She looked at me lovingly and sat next to me. She mimicked my words.
"Sooo...." She gazed blankly at the trees to our left. Her face very stern. I followed her gaze, Suddenly doing the exact thing. I pricked up my ears to listen for any ominous sounds. CRACK! I heard aloud cracking sound. A man is in the woods, I thought.
I said the words in my mind aloud "A man, A man is in the woods," She looked at me worried. Then her face brightened up.
"Follow me. Quickly, come along," She said as I followed her through the vegatation. We went very deep in the woods. Soon I was a bit frightened. A small drop of water landed on my snout. Then another on my back, then another then another. I sighed, It was raining.
"Where are we going?" I asked anxiously. She paused a moment. She turned her head slightly and looked forward again. She sighed, as I did a few moments ago.
"We are going to see my pack," She said annoyed. My eyes widened with shock.
"What?!" I shouted, loud enough for terrified birds to fly away.
"You heard me," She laughed.
"B-But, Why?" I stammered
"If we are to be safe from man it is nessary." She said no longer laughing. She was not displaying any sign of happiness in her tone nor her face. Her pace faster every minute.
"B-b-but What if they don't accept me?" I asked worried.
"Why would they need to?"
"Well, Because...You met me at the Mating Pond. Where young wolves find their mates..." I said. She looked at me, Her face perplexed. I sighed.
"What?" She asked, still confused.
"It's where a boy wolf waits for a girl wolf who likes him. Then they fall in love and have pups." I said, trying to break it down slowly for her. She rolled her eyes at me.
"You mean where we met?" She asked. I nodded.
"I wasn't looking for a mate," She said. I paused for a moment, my body not moving at all. I was trying to process her words.
"You don't like me?" I said trying to keep my tears inside, Where they belonged. She slowly nodded. I shook my head.
"Why?" I said.
"Sorry," She said embaras.sed. I stopped and backed up a bit. I watched her walk on, not noticing I was still behind. I panted dispite the coldness of the rain. I trotted back to her side determined not to talk to her. She looked at my with apoligetic eyes. Sorry, apparently you don't know the meaning of love. I thought to myself as I turned my head away from her. She groaned.
"What can I do to make it up to you?" She asked annoyed. I growled lightly at her.
"Well, I never learned your name," She said, Trying to make conversation.
"Skah?" She asked. "My name Auelu, I am truly sorry,"
" Fine than, Auelu," I said. " If you didn't love me, Than why? Why, did you lead me off into this part of the forest. I have never been here in my ENTIRE life!!" She sighed.
"Well, The truth is I'm supposed to meet MY mate here whenever man finds me," My mouth dropped open. A tear silently rolled down my cheek. Sucking in my tears, I began to speak again.
"What were you doing at the mating pond if you already have a mate? That is like breaking the wolf code right there,"
~Coming Soon
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Form for writing:
~Too lazy to post it~