yeah I'm trying to earn some tu by drawing :)
so here's some examples
and here's some random drawings i'll throw around in in my thread ( and paste it i can't link it with a click D8<
I don't usually color, but i can try :)
I don't know how much my drawings can go for but i think they're worth at least 100k.
I can draw humans and animals, but i'm no good at anthros o.o
I also would love to do art trades :3
I'll accept Tu, certain pets, seasonal eggs, certain items and credits (if you think they're worth it xD)
1.DO NOT, i repeat DO NOT use my art without my permission, it's called art theft and me no like ;(
2.Be patient, i need time to draw and color takes longer and it also depends on my mood.
3.Fill out the form, there's a reason it's there you know ;(
Anything else?
Commision Request
☻Raizaki (nothing specified yet) [free]
☻Cascadianlove (kioka)
Art Trades