So, SethAngel and I have been doing artz together for a little while, and we both enjoy it. So, I thought "Why don't we open up a commisions board on Res?" And so here we are, standing proudly in front of you, hoping that you like and want our artz.
It is pretty much digital art, when it is finished, so if you're wanting traditional art, I must apologize, but you shall have to look somewhere else. ^^ (Or r-mail Seth or I cuz we'd do it separetly. O.o) SethAngel does line art, and I color it. ^^ Umm, I suppose you might be wanting some examples . . . .
Commision Form
What you want:
Colors you want used:
How much you want to pay:
Anything else?:
Note, the more detailed you are in your diion, the better we can do your art. ^^ Also, if you have an example pic, those always help, but are not required.