Dark and Windy Pixel Pet Adoption Center

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11:25am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 12:30pm Jul 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 677
Due to problems at home and lack of time I will be closing down the shop.
I might be re-opening when things smooth out and I get more time, but as for now, public commissions are closed.

I might be willing to take on a private commission if you can bribe me well enough.Lol.

Anywho, sorry for those of you who were waiting for orders.


11:26am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 12:25pm Jul 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 431


Hey, welcome to the shop. As Wind already said I'll be making some snakes.
Here are some examples:

(Wind:I think they're freaken cute so you guys better buy like over 9000 of them, k?>>)

http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn285/wasp1993_2008/SnakeHappy.gif  Tongue movement cost:100k

  http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn285/wasp1993_2008/SnakeMad.gif Mad icon{or others with examples giving by you} cost:135k

 http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn285/wasp1993_2008/SnakeDisapointed.gif  Tail cost: 150k

 http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn285/wasp1993_2008/SnakeStars.gif{there are stars on this one but hard to see, i will make darker ones if you want this style}  Star cost :125k

  http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn285/wasp1993_2008/SnakeSleep.gifSleeping cost: 175k      Word cost: 200k 


 http://i307.photobucket.com/albums/nn285/wasp1993_2008/SnakeSad.gifMoving cost : 300k


What I'll be doing is letting you choose the colours and other additives and then make them come to life for you.=3

Snakes start at 50k without animation and 100k with animation.Animations can vary as you see with some of the examples above.

Base body colour:
Pattern/secondary color?If so what colour and where?:
Your total:Like with Wind, you choose, but I'm the one saying yes or no.=D


11:29am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 4:20pm Jul 18 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 677
Finished examples.^^



You will be reported if you're caught using these without permission.
If you see someone who doesn't own one of these using them please RM me with a screenie and the username you saw it with and I'll handle it.c:


11:59am Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 12:13pm Jul 9 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 649

 All the numbers go together, like number one goes with all the #1s.



Base: color? xD

1. base color is red

2. base color is black

3. base color is light yellow.

4. base color is bright blue

5. base color is light pink

Eyes:(Normal/Angry/sleeping/other) Well I want 5 bumpies together.

1. Angry eyes [yellow eyes]

2. Devil-ish eyes [red eyes]

3. Angelic eyes. [bright blue eyes]

4. Happy/excited eyes. [brown eyes]

5. sleepy/tired eyes. [eyes closed?]


Colour(s)(if more than one colour, where?):

1.  has a yellow tummy and light green spots on his tummy.

2. has a light red tummy. with a tail that is red.

3. has a blue tummy and has a pink halo above her head.

4. he has a crescent moon around his eye. that is lime green

5. has a sun on his belly.


Woops, look above.

Horn placement(s):

1. three horns on the head,yellow

2. two horns that are red on each side of head xD

3. one horn like a unicorn that is lime green

4. none

5. he has 2 horns on each side that are light pink.


Extras(5k+ per extra depending on complexity):

i dunno, you tell me? xD

Pay total:(You choose, but I get to agree or disagree to the price, muahaha.>D)Err.. uhm how about 50k?


11:59am Jul 9 2010

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Oh my gosh, u gaiz. >.< I'd so buy if I hadn't bought like, twenty-four art things already. So take this as a BUMP. :D


12:01pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 255

I want a snake please.

Base body colour: CC0000, if you can't find that, a dark red.
Pattern/secondary color?If so what colour and where?: A black pattern on the back that goes.).) Look at my profile.      

Extras: Spade tail? Profile again.
Animation? The second one on the list, same face too.
Your total: 500k

"You miss 100% of the shots you don't take." -Wayne Gretzky

12:15pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 12:15pm Jul 9 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,724
Imma get a super fly fish tankkkk :'D

Tank size: Medium *u*
Sand colour: Purple c;
Water colour: Blue
Fish(If custom, please specify): Can I get a super awesome angler fish and a Lion/Scorpion fish :'D ?
   -Placement(s) of fish: Just kinda swimmin .w.
Prop(s)(if custom, please specify): Just some bubbles and a skull c: ?
   -placement(s) or prop(s) Idk...you pick? xD
Animation details(if any): Nope
Total pay: hmmm 150k? Cuz the fish are a painnnn I'll bet xD


12:21pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 677
Sorry, ran off to get a showr.xD
Ryan will also be back soon Kobra, he's just eating lunch.;o

Ama-50k each or 50k for all of them?

Dodo-Awww.>: Lol.

Dani-Sounds spunky, I'll get to it.8D


12:35pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 649
for all if thats okay .-.


12:45pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 677
Ehh...I'll have to p*censored*.That's like 10k each.


12:53pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 631

Dragon order form:
Base: black

Eyes: little bit brighter then a cobalt blue, normal
Colour(s)same blue as eyes tummy
Horn placement(s): Like the red dragon example

Wings: Black

Make it awesome! O-O

Adopt one today! Please Click, or He might die.. :(

12:57pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 677
Just tell me what you're willing to pay and I'll see if it's good.:D
If it is I'll get started.;D


12:59pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 649
fien 100k, ?


1:03pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 1:03pm Jul 9 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 677
That's still the minumum for each and some of yours are a little more complex.
I'd do them for 175k.;o


1:07pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 649
okay I'll do 200k :)


1:09pm Jul 9 2010 (last edited on 1:10pm Jul 9 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 677
I'm gonna send the tu back becuase I don't like being payed before hand.Lol.xD
Also I won't be able to work on them untill I get home from work tonight, okies?^^

But thanks anywho.xD


1:11pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 431

Kobra i hope you like it



1:15pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 649
its cool.
and lol, I just like to pay before 'cuz I usually forget xD


1:27pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 677
Fair enough.Lol

Dani.Omg, those fish were a pain in the bum, you shpuld pay me like 500mil.D;
I kid, they were actually fun.:D
Here it is.c:


1:44pm Jul 9 2010

Normal User

Posts: 15,067
Base: Purple
Eyes: Fun eyes, like a person having fun
Colour(s): Green, on his belly
Markings: Just green on his belleh
Horn placement(s): top of head
Extras: wings that are purple and green plz
Pay total: 30k?
 Tank size:Small
Sand colour: Green
Water colour: Purple
Fish: Green fish, so you can see it against the purple, with purple marks
   -Placement(s) of fish: Left to right
Prop(s)(if custom, please specify):
 A knife
 -placement(s) or prop(s): Anywhere
Animation details(if any): None
Total pay: 20k

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