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2:33pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 2:51pm Aug 10 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 243
Selling my derpadoodles. None like them in all of Res. Okay. Maybe art thieves would have some exactly like them, but STILL. 
 Lol, posting them stretched the page, so go rmail me for them.
LOLOLOLNEVER MIND. :U I discovered something amazing called sumopaint. It's miraculouuuus.
What you want drawn:
Links to whatever examples you have:
Derp Pricings:
Derpadoodles prices will range from 10k-50k. It really depends on what you want.
Extra characters will be added for 45% of the original payment PLUS that payment. 
 To lessen the derp and to make it more... serious looking, that'll be an extra 10k. 
Slot 1:Unclaimed
Slot 2:Unclaimed
Slot 3:Unclaimed 
After a very rocky start, I have learned a few things about what I can and cannot draw:
 I cannot draw:
Grubs. Cuttlefish. Cuttlefish cuddling things. Aliens. Serious looking dinosaurs. Hoomans with fingers. Anatomically correct ANYTHING. Inanimate objects. Anything involving anime/manga characters. (Homestuck belongs in this category, I just don't know how).  

3:49pm Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 1:49pm Aug 10 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1,299


Name: Hiara
Payment: Just tell me... My math will make people angry. x3
What you want drawn: A big cuttle fish, based of of my persona, using it's multiple tenticles to cuddle little grubs of Gamzee, Tavros, Eridan, Sollux and Karkat from Homestuck.
Links to whatever examples you have:
 Persona: Many example on my profile. P;
Gamzee Grub:


Eridan and Tavros Grubs 

inappropriate link 

Sollux Grub:

Karkat Grub:


If that's too big, then, forget about it. >w> 


8:29pm Aug 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,652


12:33am Aug 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 921
I would like to order some :D But I don't have examples for two of my characters, so I'll have to find someone else to draw them for me... Or do it myself :P


12:38am Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 12:44am Aug 5 2011)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Mind derpin' this?

Name: Mine? Dodo, Phobia, Thrax... Take your pick. 

Payment: ...Iunno. :c The full fifty?

What you want drawn: My velociraptor Fursona. :D

Links to whatever examples you have:

The only example I have as of right now. -fail-

The only issues I have with this; the teeth are supposed to be black, the circle around the eye a very dark brown, and the scarf should be blue and purple. Like, navy blue.

And that's a crest of feathers on her head. Not horns. XD;


8:48am Aug 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 243

Woah. So many o.o All right, all commissions are close as I work on these.

@ Hiara: Sure. That's fine, but this will take a while, so would you mind if I worked on everyone else's first? Those are shorter and simpler. I haven't had any practice drawing homestuck peeps, so I'll have to practice.

 @LaCortori: I'll examine it, but I'm pretty sure I can. It's not gonna win any awards, but it's a derpadoodle so.... will this be part of the contest, or will this be a full on derpadoodle commission?

@Emo: That's fine! You don't need any examples. You can shoot me an rmail describing what they look like, etc.

@ Dodododododo: Woot. I'll try this. I liek dinos. 


10:06am Aug 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,299
That's fine~ I don't mind at all~ I'm good with having theres go first. I know mine is.... ridiculous. xD


10:17am Aug 5 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Dinorawr. :3

Thanks. C:


12:06pm Aug 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,652

@LaCortori: I'll examine it, but I'm pretty sure I can. It's not gonna win any awards, but it's a derpadoodle so.... will this be part of the contest, or will this be a full on derpadoodle commission?

Kinda sorta in between. I'm tryin to get a whole bunch of people to enter my contest, so probally on there. :D I'll pay everyone for participating too.


1:03pm Aug 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 243

Okay. LaCortori, I honestly have to tell you, I really can't do your alien. It doesn't work for me. It makes me rayge and I've gone through 5 hours of sketching. REAALLY sorry. :C

Dodo: Redrew your dino. It looks much better now. LOL. Will send as soon as I'm done coloring.

Hiara: I've got your lineart almost done. It really makes me upset, so I might not be able to fully color it... Sorry :C 


1:57pm Aug 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 243

Yeah. First 3 commissions were a complete fail. Sorry gais. :C 

Promise I'll do better next round! :U 


2:34pm Aug 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 243

7:38pm Aug 10 2011

Normal User

Posts: 243
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