G' Day :D
i search for absolutely awsome artists, you should be better than me or as good as XD <3 wanna see example? i do put one of my fursona in :3
first place
Name: Vindicta
Gender: Male
and 4 easero eggs
and a creatu you can choose from my showroom for sale category,
and may a add x3 (creatu or items)
second first place :D!
only one easero egg.. cause i only have oneafter the4 of the first first place are gone
sorry no tesuri Q,Q for that youwill get a NATURAL OMNI SQUISHY
a natie easero named Bandio
a hug
a natie ulius named BrightSara
nows the prices are.. nearly a bit.. equal.. o_o .. :3 but be happy thers a second frist place nows :D!
i will run this contest till.. well tehrs no end yet :3 all time you need <3
Thats my crazy fursona:
well Her name is Ink
draw her in whatever pose you'd like!
the pic must include
-A white wolf with human arms and legs(wolfish hands and feet) and human back! there should be a tatoo on every free part of her skin XD,
nice bangs in kind a red stripes(dark wine red),
black ears,
blue-green kind a eyes, black nales(claws),
may 2 spikes in her right ear and one in her left.
-a tatoo mashine
-a little pic/plectrum thingie with the small writing "TBP" on it
-DRUMMSTIX!(thats so important!) put them where ever.. even on her head if you want..
The tattoos
on her right arm, there should be some kind of burning skull or just black liana-plantish like lines :3 (ask me for a pic if you still dont know it XD..) or rose-ranks :3
on her left arm should be some kind of liana-plant thingie(you can see it in the pic) with flowers that have little skulls in the middle x3!
on her leg(whatever one) is a chinease cooi fish :3 (dont know if thats its name)
on her other leg are roses :3 like running around her leg
on her back is a big chinease dragon x33! <3
in her face there is some strange kind of marking, you see it in the picture
if you wanna add somthing, just do it if it looks nice.. may a butterfly she's starring at XD <3
do the colors whatever you think fits. the pose can be whatever too :3 just what you can do best <3
adware her character:
Ink is a cutie, she loves to tatoo and rock around on her drums, people get kind a scared if she walkes theyr way, :3 shes jumping around and barking after every car or human beeing she sees XD but if somthing cute comes her way, like a butterfly, she cant p*censored* watching it curious.(like a butterfly or a verry smal chiwahwah) if she work, shes a lonly wolf, but outsides she has loads of friends :3... by way, shes searching for someone to love<3 i wil hold another contest for him soon ;3.
hj42 -
cascadianlove - ...
Memory- suprise :D!finished nearly
Fantasybeing-finished :D