Okay, so maybe not too belated.
My sister and her boytoy/finace/lovable sack of ass celebrated their anniversary on Monday. Now for most people a year isn't that long, but for them it's a huge accomplishment and for all those that I talk to on Skype I'm sure they know that I'm pretty damn proud of these two for sticking it through with all the crazy stuff that has been happening -- and for those that weren't on Skype with me during the incidents they involve 4chan, private pictures, personal info, fake kik accounts, and much more. But this isn't a time for dwelling on the past; this is a time for celebration!
I want to give these two cute cute cuties a proper gift, something they can cherish and hold onto and then print out another copy if it gets destroyed (and with their lovely paper-eating feline, it's bound to happen.) I'm buying tooooonnnnns of works, or one really expensive and really extravagant one depending on the price. My current funds is 24 mil, but I'm doing commissions and selling things to raise more; I can pay half, if not all, in art if you'd be interested, just let me know.
Now I should probably quit all this dilly-dallying and get to the reason why you came here.
Cutie numero uno ;
tle="" href="http://oi44.tinypic.com/r78360.jpg"> horribly outdated avatar design wears 'pastel goth' fashion // cat lover // huuuuuge anime and Japanese culture fan // bookworm // tech geek // alternative and site model // loves tea // super duper fan of the horror genre // extremely intellectual // fixes, breaks, and hacks laptops // does taxidermy // 100% against animal cruelty // obsessed with pastel and pink things and Attack on Titan // carries around a stuffed Sylveon // models herself off of a porcelain doll
Her hair changes more than the average human being changes their underwear, this includes color and style. Her current color is a light pastel pink but it can be either one of these ;
tle="" href="http://31.media.tumblr.com/12d9ce6a84e5feaf3cfc953ade3c7385/tumblr_mozuox4EyO1spwmbyo1_250.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://25.media.tumblr.com/20553a77f9af03da0a3ec7d719c2f4c4/tumblr_mon0ptsec91s00s2uo1_500.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mapon7noMS1rhs1ayo1_250.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9ktalXVy11qi9qobo1_250.jpg"> x //
tle="" href="http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mdwnq8HQ8j1ql5zyao1_250.jpg">x //
tle="" href="https://24.media.tumblr.com/c05ac96ff44e7b5da43c4eda312aeef3/tumblr_mxcjy0F0CW1t3ctlio1_500.jpg">x tle="" href="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb8rnaBB5q1rp7xmso1_250.jpg">x (front view) //
tle="" href="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mcq8urwCxH1r6vf70o1_250.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mct9tc5IAq1rvaxwno1_250.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mbqj2sBewU1rf7w52o1_250.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://25.media.tumblr.com/65e2c4a9f326f9e10ce7890f1591012e/tumblr_mjau17M4ur1r5039eo1_250.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://31.media.tumblr.com/4478b2c0ac9760bddf8f44dc415c5a56/tumblr_mltiis0GpT1rm33dno1_500.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mb3296Akn01rhjmcqo1_250.png"> x //
tle="" href="http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9hdjgBXNk1qe8515o1_250.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://24.media.tumblr.com/895eb6a085729439c7d933baf146fec4/tumblr_mon759KKMf1sqezfbo1_500.png">x //
tle="" href="http://25.media.tumblr.com/e73fd75bc7d6eb14039d187a36fdc3a9/tumblr_mo3np0VEk71qc5cejo1_500.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://25.media.tumblr.com/ac5d8c637e2bee6bb855dae8f0893e8d/tumblr_mmtj7mJRKm1rgj899o1_500.jpg">x (she wears kawaii/pastel/horror themed bows with this one //
tle="" href="http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_mawxmaQuE71r2ssllo1_250.jpg">x [that should give you an idea, if none of these spark anything then you can just use tumblr or google to find something]
Tumblr/Goggling 'pastel goth' or 'pastel clothes' also works for her outfits, but for an idea here's a basic outfit her would wear ;
tle="" href="http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lukwo1JDFk1qkukogo1_500.png">x //
tle="" href="http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_ma2j2gK32b1rsv2j1o1_400.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5n7cquoj21qlzn67o1_500.png">x //
tle="" href="http://24.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5osrjYUxG1rxf0jno1_500.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://i.ebayimg.com/t/Pokemon-Center-Original-Nymphia-Sylveon-backpack-for-kids-BEST-BUY-GIFT-/00/s/MTI2MFgxMjYw/z/HP8AAOxydB1SnANg/$_57.JPG">x [basically they are either sweet lolita, pastel, horror, or nebula themed, sometimes she'll wear floral dresses]
Here are just some random RL references ;
tle="" href="http://photos-c.ak.instagram.com/hphotos-ak-xap1/10453917_1441159806142034_1544324451_n.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://mdak.on.com/md/252/hrq0apruwol4htajkxzo.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://mdak.on.com/md/263/56mj6oj5agqf01xi6m3k.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://mdak.on.com/md/259/qe0b45wi0gge610grb7r.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://mdak.on.com/md/252/7uvgcvsq90b4l1mleyql.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://mdak.on.com/md/234/nzaupk9pr2fyk5hfgy6q.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://mdak.on.com/md/234/kkezi0hwc60qjar6p89k.jpg">x //
tle="" href="http://mdak.on.com/md/251/z9gxrko3n2tz5vyh55o6.jpg"> x //
tle="" href="http://mdak.on.com/md/160/kecjfm0044rbvli51n80.jpg">x [okay, you probably get the idea]
Cutie numero dos ;
tle="" href="http://arvee.org/sofetch/a/125063"> I'm never asking these two to make human avatars of themselves again [cat ears, blood, and Sylveon not included, though you probably could've figured that out cx]
Hardcore gamer // highly intellectual // doesn't like being late for things // extremely affectionate // highly obsessed with Pokemon // cat lover // horror fan // despises drama // loves microwave ramen cups // wears skinny jeans year round // always wears some sort of beanie or hat // sleeps a lot // forgets to charge his phone every other day
Unfortunately our lovely male in this couple is not as much of a 'camera enthusiast' as his counterpart is, so I don't have any RL photos of him for reference, plus I wouldn't be allowed to post them if I did have any. :c But I have
tle="" href="https://scontent-b-iad.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-prn2/q81/s720x720/1379772_164964477044383_2123667210_n.jpg">this doodle for a hair reference, and
tle="" href="https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/1394412_171461076394723_1660347031_n.jpg">this one for a color. The glasses he wears are more geeky/Hipster-ish. He's a guy so he's not that complicated. His clothes range from regular designed T-shirts {like Dropdead or something} or tank tops, but he always has to be wearing skinny jeans {sometimes with holes at the knees} and a beanie or hat. The purple one is his favorite but recently he's been wearing
tle="" href="http://www.theculturalexchangeshop.com/timages/pros_s/133185p1.jpg">this thing.Inspiration // poses // idk
Posing doesn't really matter, some of their favorite activities are stargazing, gaming, watching TV, or listening to music together; they also just like cuddling and taking five-hour naps.
Some songs to 'get in the mood'/consider/or just listen to while drawing are Pompeii and Oblivion by Bastille, Boom Clap by Charli xcx, Magnet from Vocaloids, Your Guardian Angel by the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus, Young Blood by The Naked and Famous, Boats and Birds by Gregory and The Hawk, and some other ones I can't think of because it's late. I would link you to all of these but I don't have the time to sift through all the comments to fish out offensive language in the comments, and since it'd be Youtube some uneducated idiot would be bound to throw a fit and use some colorful language, so tootle loo!
They're also living with this huge, black, paper-eating Norwegian Forest cat named Milenko, if you want to include him at all.
tle="" href="http://oi44.tinypic.com/r78360.jpg">