10:15pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 3:01pm Aug 29 2011)
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Posts: 1,391
~FLUFFY WONDERS~ Hello, and welcome to my art shop! Here at Fluffy Wonders, we have many different things to sell to you for very low prices. We sell Wuffles, which are pretty much cuddly, fluffy, furry, oddly colored dogs. We also sell items for your Wuffles. Our Wuffles go for 5,000 TU and all the items go for 1,000 TU each. I will only accept pure TU. I am not accepting customs, so please don't ask for any. I may end up accepting customs later, but right now, there are no customs. Make sure to check the announcements every so often. Here are a few rules that you must follow: RULES: 1. You may purchase as many Wuffles and items as you like. :3 2. You are not allowed to change anything about your Wuffle unless you buy an item that allows you to change something about your Wuffle. 3. If you find that you don't want a Wuffle anymore, please notify me immediately and it will go into the Pound. 4. Please send me the payment right away. 5. You are only permitted to adopt one Wuffle from the Pound when it is open. I will tell you when the Pound opens. 6. You are permitted to reserve Wuffles through rmail or you can post here. Luckily, you don't have to fill out a form for reserving. xD Sorry if those rules seemed a little harsh, but they're the rules. I may add more later, and I will tell you if I update the rules. ^_^ ~~~ OMG What's this? A BANNER. Very simple. Very plain. But once you click it... OH! It takes you here! Mwahahaha.... 
Rmail me if you want the code for this banner. :D OPEN

10:24pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 6:49pm Sep 3 2011)
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Posts: 1,391
WUFFLES: This is Kibbles. She will show you the different Wuffles for sale! "How do you adopt a Wuffle, you ask?" Kibbles hands you a sheet of paper. "Fill out this form and give it to SugarSnow! She'll gladly give you your Wuffle then." Kibbles smiles warmly. "Remember that each Wuffle costs 5,000 TU." "If you release a Wuffle to the Pound, you will get your money back." ~ Form: Username: Wuffle Number: Wuffle's Name: Items: Total Cost: ~ "Here are the Wuffles currently for sale! This is our litter currently on display." Note: The Wuffles shown are only a fraction of their actual size. I made them smaller so they would fit. Litter #4: Wuffle #1:

Wuffle #2:
Female Wuffle #3: 
10:25pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 5:05pm Sep 3 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
ITEMS FOR SALE: This is Quincy, and he will assist you if you want to buy some items! 
"Hello!" Quincy waves at you with a nice smile. "I'm Quincy, and here are some items that we are currently selling. Each items costs 1,000 TU. If you want to buy an item, just fill out which item you want to purchase in your order form when you buy a Wuffle. See Kibbles if you want to adopt a Wuffle." "One more thing. Refunds are available. If you would like a refund on any of your items, just tell SugarSnow and she will reverse any changes made by the items and she will give you your money back. Once you refund, you cannot take it back." "Here are the items!" Each item costs 1,000 TU. ~~~  Color Morphing Potion - This potion changes your Wuffle's color. However, you cannot decide what color your Wuffle will become because it will randomly change the color of your Wuffle.
 Gender Changing Potion - This potion will change the gender of your Wuffle.
 Name Changing Potion - This potion will change the name of your Wuffle. You are allowed to choose the new name of your Wuffle.
 Random Prize Ticket - When you purchase this ticket, you will recieve a random prize. You can either recieve a free Wuffle, a free item, 10,000 TU, or nothing. Note: I will go to a random number generator website. The numbers 1-5 will get you a Wuffle. The numbers 6-10 will get you a free item from the shop. The numbers 11-15 will get you 10k. The numbers 16-20 will get you nothing.

10:25pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 9:28pm Aug 31 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
POUND: CLOSED!!! There are Wuffles in the pound, but the pound is closed! When adopting Wuffles from the pound, you must wait until it is open. I will post and tell you when it is open. Adopting from the pound is free, but you may only adopt one Wuffle every time the pound is open. When the pound is open, you must be fast because it's on a first come first serve basis. Here is the adoption form: I want to adopt a Wuffle! Username: Wuffle: Wuffle's Name: --- Wuffle #1:
 Female Wuffle #2:
 Female Wuffle #3:
 Male Wuffle #4:
 Female Wuffle #5: 
Female Wuffle #6:
10:26pm Aug 3 2011 (last edited on 10:23am Sep 5 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
ARCHIVE: (*** = not paid for) (strikeout = item is already used) Clouding: Wuffles: 
Unnamed! (Male) http://i56.tinypic.com/v66xhe.png Items: ~ cj40: Wuffles:
Danielle (Female) http://i55.tinypic.com/281qwjq.png --- Twinkle (Female) http://i54.tinypic.com/hv2mtc.jpg ---  Jake (Male) http://i54.tinypic.com/mu3bd.png
---  George http://i55.tinypic.com/aabxms.png
Items: Color-Morphing Potion
Color Morphing Potion
~ Dodomon: Wuffles: 
Spazz (Male) http://i51.tinypic.com/1r66uq.jpg Items: Random Prize Ticket
~ 0FallenLeaves0: Wuffles:  Tumbie (Female) http://i52.tinypic.com/10zpk0p.png
--- Items: Random Prize Ticket ~ Headache: Wuffles:
 Sqonk (Female) http://i52.tinypic.com/2cmvfhf.png ---  Seaflower (Female) http://i55.tinypic.com/x6d1le.png
Items: Random Prize Ticket
Gender-Changing Potion
~ snowflake139: Wuffles:  Bunny (Female) http://i54.tinypic.com/2rfple9.jpg
---  Lady (Female)
Unnamed! (Male) http://i54.tinypic.com/wlu7n8.png ---  Unnamed! (Male) http://i55.tinypic.com/2a7c1w0.png Items: ~ WaterPrincess02: Wuffles: 
Tumbler (Male) http://i53.tinypic.com/17e3yq.png Items:

12:09am Aug 4 2011 (last edited on 7:16pm Sep 2 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
Breeding: Breeding Wuffles is free. However, if you want to keep the Wuffles that are born, you must pay for them. For each Wuffle you keep, you must pay 5,000 TU. You do not have to take the Wuffles that are born. If you do not want them, they will go to the Pound. You will only pay for the Wuffles that you keep after they are born. You do not get to choose how many Wuffles are born. I will choose the number in a litter. You are only allowed to adopt Wuffles from a litter that your own Wuffle has created. However, if Wuffles from a litter go to the Pound, you are allowed to adopt any Wuffle you want. If you would like to breed two Wuffles, they must be opposite genders. If you would like to breed your Wuffle with someone else's Wuffle, you must ask their permission first. You can either ask them in the thread by posting your request, or you can rmail them. Once you have worked something out with another user, one of you must post the breeding form in this thread. (If you aren't breeding with another user, you can just delete the part that says Other User.) Breeding Forms: Your Username: Other User: (optional) Two Wuffles To Be Bred: Wuffles' Deions: ~~~ Once the litter has been born, you must fill out this adoption form if you want to adopt the Wuffles. Adoption Forms: Your Username: Litter: Wuffles You Want: Names of Wuffles: Total Price: --- Current Pairs: --- Litters: (Bold means that the Wuffle is going to the Pound.) (Strikeout means the Wuffle has been adopted.)

12:00am Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 8:17pm Aug 28 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
ANNOUNCEMENTS: 8/28/11: ~ A new litter is up! ~ 8/27/11: ~ The Pound is open for exactly one hour! ~
12:30am Aug 5 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
I want to adopt a Wuffle!
Username: Dodomon. Word.
Wuffle: Number Four?
1:16am Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 1:18am Aug 5 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
You didn't fill out the form! D8 It's okay though. :P Because you're the first person to adopt a Wuffle, you get a free Random Prize Ticket. xD
1:25am Aug 5 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
... I honestly wish I could swear right now so I could describe to you how stupid my phone is. :X Eh, I'll just fill it out now then.
Username: Dodomon. Call me either Thrax or Phobia though. (Why do I put this I don't even...)
Wuffle Number: Four
Wuffle's Name: Spazz
Items: Nah
Total Cost: Five kay. Deal.
1:36am Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 1:52am Aug 5 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
Congratulations Dodomon! You have recieved a free Random Prize Ticket because you are the first customer! *draws number* ....... Your number was 7! Your prize is a free item of your choice from the store! --- Send over the TU for Spazz as soon as possible, please. It's even in the rules. xDD
1:53am Aug 5 2011
Content Manager 
Posts: 3,137
:I I'll keep that number in mind for the next litter, if possible. XD -sends tu-
1:54am Aug 5 2011 (last edited on 10:41pm Aug 5 2011)
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
xD Sure! Thanks for buying a Wuffle. <3 DODOMON: Here's Spazz! 
Here's the link: http://i54.tinypic.com/2a77r4i.jpg
10:26pm Aug 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 219
Form: Username: snowflake139 (Why is this necessary?) Wuffle Number: 6. Duh. Wuffle's Name: Bunny Items: N/A Total Cost: 5K
Here is your assignment. I have an order for one of these Creatu: albino Meragon\r\n \r\nYou currently have 13 Pet Quest Points.
10:44pm Aug 5 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
*glomps* Why you be hating on da fooorm? Thankies for da monies! 8D --- SNOWFLAKE139 Here's Bunny! 
Here's the link: http://i54.tinypic.com/2rfple9.jpg
2:13am Aug 7 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
I changed the first rule. xD Just thought that everyone should know. :P
7:33pm Aug 8 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
Bump? D: I get that they're not great, but they're not that terrible that no one wants them, are they?
7:55pm Aug 8 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 2,158
Tip. Save a copy of the outline of a wuffle. Then you can color it every time differently without haveing to do it by hand. make sure you save the wuffle you make out of the outline different every time so you still have the outline.
1:52am Aug 12 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
Bump. I updated the announcements.
8:50pm Aug 14 2011
Normal User 
Posts: 1,391
Bump. A new litter is available.