8:21pm Aug 17 2011 (last edited on 3:39pm Aug 18 2011)
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Posts: 1,459
plus some other information, and I'll give you a sketch. You can tip me if you want. I don't really care, just killing boredom here. Oh, and no examples. That's the surprise of this. c: - Just fill this out ;Your name: ;Your character's name: ;Reference or detailed deion: ;Personality, hobbies/interests or significant objects that tie in with your character (you'll see how this ties in when the sketch is done): ;Song (since I listen to music while drawing, it will also help me set the mood and pose of the picture: ;Font (for your character's name): Please note that this is not first-come-first-serve. I will draw by level of interest. Keep in mind that just because I didn't draw yours right away means that I won't draw your request, I will eventually get around to drawing everyone's. (certain factors will influence my interest, for example; I may not be in the mood to draw your character in a way that reflects their personality or maybe I'm not in mood to draw a certain ob ject, it has nothing to do with appearance. [just thought I'd clarify this]) I'll draw Creatu as well. If you'd like a basic Creatu.
Sketches take a couple hours so bear with me. You'll see why when I'm done with your request

8:32pm Aug 17 2011 (last edited on 8:34pm Aug 17 2011)
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Posts: 1,301
;Your name: Hiara~ ;Your character's name: Cyrill/Hiara (Guess she's kinda the cooler version of me, so...) ;Reference or detailed deion: link (Tons more on my profile)
;Personality, hobbies/interests or significant objects that tie in with your character (you'll see how this ties in when the sketch is done): Handheld video games; pyromania; singing; reading; history nerdism. Her personality is shy and seemingly bitter, but she's really hyper and derpy when you get to get to know her. But still sarcastic. And... yeah. She makes a lot of nerdy jokes/dorky pick-up lines just to annoy people. ((I feel like I'm doing this wronggggg...))
9:44pm Aug 17 2011
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Posts: 1,459
Aw, I get to draw whispy fire. I've wanted to draw that for so long. <3 You filled the forum out fine, dear, but there are a couple questions I have. Well, two actually. For one; I can make out the ankh but what are the other two charms/pendants she's wearing? and two; Would you like the wings to be included?
10:40pm Aug 17 2011
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;Your name: FoxCrazy ;Your character's name: Nylat ;Reference or detailed deion: http://tinyurl.com/3bkcqwl
;Personality, hobbies/interests or significant objects that tie in with your character (you'll see how this ties in when the sketch is done): She's sorta serious and blunt, as well as down-to-earth, but she has a big heart and does only what she thinks is best for others. She hates being outspoken, often becoming quite frustrated when not noticed, and occasionally may become somewhat violent. She sees the sense in things, often trying to help others see it, too. She has an unnatural fear of flying and, oddly enough, wolves, despite being part wolf. Hobbies...hunting, skinning, and carving. Items of significance....animal pelts, probably.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."
11:00pm Aug 17 2011 (last edited on 11:01pm Aug 17 2011)
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Posts: 2,315
Are you good at blood and gore and creepy? ;Your name: Gorge
;Your character's name:Garaden ;Reference or detailed deion: *pokes albino ebilia on profile* But adult stage plox.
;Personality, hobbies/interests or significant objects that tie in with your character (you'll see how this ties in when the sketch is done): Blood. Death. Creepy. :D
11:01pm Aug 17 2011 (last edited on 11:39pm Aug 17 2011)
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Creepy, gory, and surreal is my specialty, hun. <3 editing this post since I don't want to bump this (it's already at the top) cx ; I'm logging off for the night. I'm hoping to get some of these, if not one, completed tomorrow depending on how things go. You can still post. I just won't respond to any questions until tomorrow morning.
11:07pm Aug 17 2011
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Yay :D
1:56pm Aug 18 2011
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1:58pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 6:30pm Aug 18 2011)
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Posts: 1,652
I can't fill out a forum, but would you join my art contest? It has everything you'd need there. ^_^
See below.
2:04pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 4:15pm Aug 18 2011)
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Posts: 388
;Your name: Alice
;Your character's name: Rea ;Reference or detailed deion: http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6141/5955260176_5dfdd4040e_b.jpg
;Personality, hobbies/interests or significant objects that tie in with your character (you'll see how this ties in when the sketch is done):She is never without the key around her neck. she is a sweet, hard-working girl with a strong and unique personality, but who doesn't talk much. SHe is very secretive and doesn't let people get emotionally close to her. She loves writing, especially poetry and songs. She also loves music and nighttime. edit: ;Song (since I listen to music while drawing, it will also help me set the mood and pose of the picture: I really have no clue O.O maybe Secrets by One Republic or Candles by Hey Monday (Secrets works better) ;Font (for your character's name):Something flowy and pretty :3
2:04pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 2:24pm Aug 18 2011)
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Posts: 2,057
;Your name:Lazz ;Your character's name:Katlin ;Reference or detailed deion: Katlin is 5'4" Has long mousy blonde hair and she has blue bunny ears and big sharp black Deer horns ( shes a human x jackalope Cross) she has a blue/ white Rabbit tail and bright blue eyes.
;Personality, hobbies/interests or significant objects that tie in with your character (you'll see how this ties in when the sketch is done): Katlin is in love with water and horses she is very friendly and likes helping people. she has well a bad temper. and you can usualy find her Riding her horse ( Hes a big chestnut quarter horse with a white star on his forhead) xD if ya know anything about horses *Prolly a fail* or you can find her splashing in a puddle. what you dont know about katlin is under her sweet shell she is a Sociopath.she enjoys killing things . she kinda like dexter. she is employed as an organ reposetonist . she Vuts the organs out of living ppl just like in the movie. Repo the genetic opera. she enjoys her job and makes good money for her line of work. pretty much katlin is a split personality. during the day shes sweet and cute. during the night shes a killer
2:09pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 2:43pm Aug 20 2011)
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Posts: 243
;Your name: Fluffy ;D
;Your character's name: Hoodlum
;Reference or detailed deion: http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2011/230/2/7/kickin___it_by_fluffymon-d470df1.png Best I could do. Basically, he's a magenta female iluvu o_o That is so incredibly gangster, he's pink. Yeah. He sparkles too ;D Only in the sunlight though. ;Personality, hobbies/interests or significant objects that tie in with your character (you'll see how this ties in when the sketch is done): sHe is grouchy because her master (me) has a very interesting sense of humor. sHe likes to play basketball and robs banks and graffiti on walls and steal random objects and push little old ladies off the sidewalk. Did I mention sHe was a guy? ;Song (since I listen to music while drawing, it will also help me set the mood and pose of the picture: Personally, when I listen to music while drawing Hoodlum, it's a strange mixture. ~ Dance with the Devil (Breaking Benjamin), Rainism (by rain.), Declaration (David Cook) Only a couple examples... o_o And one of them is mostly in korean. Rainism is perfect for Hoodlum though. ;Font (for your character's name): o_o I don't know any fonts. MAKE IT AS GIRLY AS POSSIBLE?
3:15pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 3:37pm Aug 18 2011)
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Posts: 1,459
BAM Garaden. - Adding two more things to the forum ;Song (since I listen to music while drawing, it will also help me set the mood and pose of the picture: ;Font (for your character's name):
5:47pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 5:49pm Aug 18 2011)
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Posts: 1,301
;Song (since I listen to music while drawing, it will also help me set the mood and pose of the picture): Here's a list: Pyromania- Cascada Sexy, Naughty, B-word - Tata Lithium- Nirvana Boats and Birds- Gregory and the Hawk ;Font (for your character's name): Anything kinda dark and fancy lookin'~ ((Yey~! And, yeah, they're a key and a dragon~ And, yeh. Wings included, if you please~ c:))
6:01pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 6:07pm Aug 18 2011)
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Rea. Also, I'm thinking of doing comm-comms, so any price estimates would be appreciated. <3
6:30pm Aug 18 2011
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Posts: 1,652
Ehh, I got unlazy and did a forum. Here: Name: Corti Charecters name: Mori Reference or detailed diion: She is a red panda, but has two tails and tiny antlers like that of a deers'. The antlers are small, but have three points each, and are a chocolate brown. She has bright, apple green eyes. Her fur is spotted like a cows, but the spots are lavender instead of black. She has one spot over her right eye. Underneath her normal twin tails she has an albino peacock's tail, with a stripe of normal-colored-peacock-tailfeathers on the left edge of her tail. I'll add photos of all of this... Reference: 

For more refs search "red panda", "albino peacock", and "three point antler" in google, and you'll get millions of pics. I assume you all know what cows look like. Personality: Mori is creative, curious, mischevious, inquisitive, clever and funny. She usually is hanging out in low trees so that she doesn't damage or soil her feathers, which is a sorce of pride for her. Songs: Good Life by OneRepublic or Kiss from a Rose by Seal Font: Lucida Handwriting Thanks Quarantine!

9:11pm Aug 18 2011 (last edited on 9:12pm Aug 18 2011)
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Posts: 1,459
Hoodlum. Last one of the night. Thanks for all the refs. <3
11:38pm Aug 18 2011
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Posts: 2,057
would you want me to also fill out the two other things?
11:56pm Aug 18 2011
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Posts: 1,459
If you want to. If not I'll just freestyle the song/font.
12:19am Aug 19 2011
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Posts: 3,469
You can freestyle for mine. Cuz, I really dunno what quite to put for song, and font can be whatever.
"You're off the edge of the map, mate. Here there be monsters."