Guardian Grove

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6:58pm Mar 13 2014 (last edited on 7:58pm Mar 13 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 18

"I'm sorry, but I can't let you come in here." A small, fox-looking creature comes up to you just as you are about to enter a small grove of trees on the edge of town. "I am Sareni, the staratelj of the Guardians."

"Who are the Guardians?" You ask, confused.

"Why, they're the animals like me." Sareni says. "You don't see us around often, but we're always here, protecting you. This grove is where we wait when there's no one who needs protecting. You see, us Guardians are made once every day, at a random time, and you humans don't seem to multiply nearly as fast. There's too many of us, and the grove is getting full." Sareni looks down sadly. "My friends and I are starving."

"Is there anyway I can help?" you ask, kneeling to sit down beside Sareni. 

"Well..." She sighs, and then looks away from you. "It might seem like a bit much to ask, but Guardians are a lot like creatu. We like to have a human to call our own. Would you be interested in taking one of the Guardians with you?"

You hesitate. Now there's a choice - will you walk away, or enter the Guardian Grove?

Post 1 - Introduction
Post 2 - Pricing
Post 3 - Order Form
Post 4 - Adopted

6:58pm Mar 13 2014 (last edited on 7:58pm Mar 13 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 18

Sareni leaves the grove, and you follow behind curiously as she walks. You notice a small building at the very edge of the grove, away from prying eyes, and when Sareni slips in, you hold the door open. You're surprised to find that inside there's only a table, laden with all sorts of strange looking bulbs.

"It may seem a bit strange to you, but us Guardians are easily persuaded with a bit of food." Sareni smirks. "And this is what we eat. In fact, I could be talked into leaving, if given the right thing." With that she turns and pads away, leaving you in front of the table. It seems that TU is needed to buy these bulbs, though you're not exactly sure who to give it to until you see a small Guardian crouching in the corner.

"My name's Laika." The Guardian offers. "I run the fruit shop. We use the TU here to help save creatu and keep us healthy. We get sick very easily, protecting you humans, and the bills add up." She smiles at you, and you smile back, before going back to looking at the bulbs.

Orange Bulb
Basic Guardian (One color)

Blue Bulb
Simple Guardian (Two colors)

Green Bulb
Advanced Guardian (Three or four colors)

Red Bulb
Complicated Guardian (Five to seven colors)

Purple Bulb
Extreme Guardian (Eight or more colors)

Cyan Bulb
Staratelj or Shopkeeper Guardian (currently Sareni and Laika)

A random number generator will pick your bulb - are you feeling lucky?

A random number generator will pick six bulbs for you - good if you want to buy in bulk.

6:58pm Mar 13 2014 (last edited on 5:09pm Mar 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 18
Order Form

Your name:
Guardian's name:
Desired bulb:
Deion or reference picture: This can also be a keyword if you don't have anything specific in mind.
Total cost:
Anything else?:

7:00pm Mar 13 2014 (last edited on 5:14pm Mar 14 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 18
Wait List
Anya5544 - Blue Bulb - "Hunger Games" - Paid - 0% complete 
Souda - Random Bulb Pack (Colors: Orange x2, Purple x2, Red x2)  - "Thunderhead, Scholar, Infection, Starbucks, Gray, Pure" - Unpaid - 0% complete

Adopted Guardians

8:03pm Mar 13 2014

Normal User

Posts: 18
We are now OPEN for business!

3:05pm Mar 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 605
Say, I'll take a blue bulb!
Your name: Anya5544
Guardian's name: Mockingjay
Desired bulb: Blue
Deion or reference picture: The Hunger Games, may you build off of that?
Total cost: 80k
Anything else: nope

FC: 0275-9333-8005 If you are looking to have a roleplaying experience that involves Pokemon and will be unique to you, check out my thing over in Roleplay Discussion!

4:28pm Mar 14 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Yes hello I will bulk buy here 8)

Your name:   Souda
Guardian's name:   Nimbus // Randolph // Lazarus // Moka // Carbon // Iodine
Desired bulb: Random Bulb Pack <3
Deion or reference picture: (in same order as names) Thunderhead // Scholar // Infection // Starbucks // Gray // Pure
Total cost: 500k
Anything else?: Don't think so~


6:36pm Mar 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 18
Here's Mockingjay, for Anya. I went more of the Girl on Fire direction for her, so I hope it's alright with you. :)

Souda, I'll start on your orders tomorrow. You can see the wait list for what color bulbs you got if you want to specify which Guardian gets which bulb color. :)

7:54pm Mar 14 2014


Posts: 910


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