Orders on hold for now! Please check back later.
Hi guys! I'm gonna be doing some drawings for credits. Yes credits. Not TU. (P.S. I've been informed that 5mil is the same amount as 50 credits, so I suppose that works too)
I'll only be taking 3 at a time! You can't "reserve" a spot for the next round, it just depends on first come first serve and if you catch me when spots open up again, ok?
What I Will Draw: I'll draw your creatu, your fursona, whatever animal (quad) character you have! If you have a human or anthro character with a quad form, that works too.
What I Won't Draw: Your human avatar, your human characters, your anthro characters, or any nude or suggestive pictures.
Cost: 50 credits for one character. I hear you've got to send a "50 credit token"? Not sure how it works, haha. You may pay me before or after I draw your picture, but make SURE I have you listed on the waiting list before you send payment. No "IOU"'s or I'll ban you. Haha just kidding. But Srsly |8<

Waiting List:
1. No more requests for now, thank you.
2. No more requests for now, thank you.
3. No more requests for now, thank you.
Horselova - Fursona's hat - Paid
Kurokayce - Majikus - Paid
Flareboy123 - Lemon Zenirix+Black Veram - 50/100
Fluffy88999 - Attack - Paid
ShaoXbaby23 - Jayhawk+Shaylia - Paid