I'm in need of some Tu or Credits for stuff XD I'm poor T.T (I have like 4mill only D:)
So I'm offering headshots only for now unless you bribe me XD
I'm lazy to do fullblown commissions >w<
Well when I mean sketches I mean this is the third stage of my lining process (Out of 4) It goes blue circles- incredibly unreadable lines- readable lines- Black line
I like this style of headshots- I'm very bad at keeping styles, I tend to switch styles every manga or thing I read T.T I'm so bad. This style was made up of me doing a nose study and this weird chubby nose came along and I loved it XD Don't you? Makes you want to poke it don't you 8D As for the eyes well it makes it look all cute XD They are my innocent eyes XD chubby nose with innocent eyes. Mawh XD
Anyway back to the shop XD
I'm offering coloured sketches and plain sketches
a Plain sketch looks like
That XD
There will only be One coloured sketch slot and Three plain ones. Maybe a bribe slot.
I Accept- Tu, Credits, Beans, Some pets and artwork
I won't draw- Mecha (Robot people), Long haired Males (I just can't TwT), Some Res Pets , Birds, Reptiles, Horse, Bugs ect ANYTHING WITH BAD real life PHOTOS o.O I'm not guessing people up unless you want me to draw you pac man >:D
I will Draw- Humans, Anthro (Furry people), Wolves, cats.
Price: Urm.. Offer? What ever price >w< (150k--500k range maybe?)
Please tell me if it's overpriced >w<
Name: (What would you like to be called? I save your file with that name Xd)
What do you want: (Plain or coloured)
Of what?: (Put refs/deion)
Other: (any other details?)
Offer: (the higher the more I work on it XD)
Bribe Slot-
Thank you for your interest :D