You have wandered through many villages, wanting to find the perfect pet. Roughly, you have walked for 3 or 4 days.
on this bright and cloudless day, you have found a big barn, in the middle of a field. You use the very old door knocker, and a Hazelnut haired woman with VERY pale skin opens the massive doors. " Hello!" she says, startling you. " welcome to my pet adoption center!what sort of pets can i interest you in today?" she grabs your hand and pulls you through the barn to some pens." we have Sky cats, Gupcats, Maskies, and more! Which would you like?"
Order form:
Type: (sky cats, gyriffons, hippogryph, Gupcats, Sky Cats, Maskies, Guardian dragons) ( 1k each)
element:( water, air, fire, earth, Space)( space costs about 10k extra)
Age: ( egg, young, teen, adult) (7k)
Custom?: ( yes, no?)(8k)
additional info:
Total TU:
First Person to order gets a species free!