Hullo, people!
I recently got Photoshop, and as ignorant as Merlin is, she don't want to read any books or instructions or anything like that, so erm yeah! Here's what she's going to do.
I'm offering free banners! Yeah!
They are free because I just need some projects to do on Ps.
Heres the form!
*NOTE* If you don't have a background image, give me a theme, and I can find a nice image for you. <3
Background image: (required, preferably link)
Pet: Y/N
(if Yes specify type, color and age, please!)
(If using Dream HA link me a picture, please!)
Other: (includes where pet/and or HA is located, to which side, facing what direction, the little details like that, Etc.,)
HTML Code: Y/N
Super Detailed? Y/N (Cool effects, add-on, etcetera)
NOTE: I cannot do link banners. I don't know how. :3
Anyway, Order away!
Unlimited! (Please only two banners max per post!)
Repetition (Rmailed)
TessaJ (Rmailed)
ThunderMouse (Rmailed)
Slyfox2587 (Rmailed)
Zennie459 (Rmailed)
Ravewolf101 (Rmailed)
Jasmeena (Rmailed)
Insane (Rmailed)
Soul (Rmailed)
Soul (Rmailed)