Miss' Art Commissions

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3:12pm Feb 9 2013 (last edited on 8:19pm Feb 16 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 194


I'm one of those rare artists who have no brain and creativity so I need your requests to keep my hands full! That said, I'm also a pretty busy person. Combine that with idiocy and retardation and you've got a beautifully drawn, 100 day late artwork. But actually, I'll most likely have your drawing done in a week or so, maybe less, so don't panic! c: 

My dA, there aren't many examples. Sorry! Most recent [x] to give you an idea of what your art will look like.


Lineart: 1-2 mil
Flat Color: 2-4 mil
Full/Cell Shaded: 4-6 mil

Anything more or less is fine, money is an incentive, I need practice

Iluvu's or eggs (currently collecting them)
CS creatu (I can make more than one drawings for these beauties)
Creatu names (maybe)

I also use a mouse so errors might occur with shading (twitchy hand) so just point out any errors and I'd be glad to change it up for you!


Art Type:
References (Images would be nice):
Specifics (Additional scars, props, etc.):
Pose (Optional):


I don't tend to have rules but here are just a few minor ones:
Please don't complain if I take too long or I suck! Critique is welcomed, though. I may also complete others' before you so please don't get angry!
If you don't pay, then I'll sell it you won't have authority to use it
No people please! Can't even draw them on paper xC
Please don't erase my siggy
I'm not very talented at drawing backgrounds


1. Russia (Flat color)
2. Lakeore (Full)

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3:12pm Feb 9 2013 (last edited on 2:57pm Feb 16 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 194


Zen [x]

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4:32pm Feb 9 2013


Posts: 3,217
Art Type: Flat colour 
TV face :D

Specifics (Additional scars, props, etc.): two silver bracelets on one leg, three silver ear studs on the opposite ear :)  bottom ear stud has a dangly thing on it |D 
Pose (Optional): up to you ^^

:D your art looks amazing, 
your very talented ^^ 


11:15pm Feb 9 2013 (last edited on 11:25pm Feb 9 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 194
Very interesting request you got there c; thanks for being my first commissioner and that lovely compliment! <3

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3:45am Feb 10 2013 (last edited on 3:45am Feb 10 2013)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,137

Your art omg

Art Type: Flat Color
Specifics: LOL, if you end up drawing it, her tongue is a pale blackish-blue.
Pose: ...Idk something fierce-ish? |D
Payment: I got tu 4 u <3 And I like to tip, so. ;D


4:45am Feb 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 895
That reference you have there, what is that an example of? 

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9:29am Feb 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 194
@Russia Thank you c: 

@BOB Is your question directed to me? 

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10:01pm Feb 10 2013

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Posts: 895
Yes' m. ;D

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12:44am Feb 11 2013 (last edited on 12:45am Feb 11 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586


Art Type: fully shaded
References (Images would be nice):
Well... I did this piece myself but it's sort of what I want.
But more vivid dark browns.

Specifics (Additional scars, props, etc.):
Could you add a olive green bandana tied around his neck. No pose/props. The pumpkin was just something there. XD
Pose (Optional):

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

6:40pm Feb 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 194
@BOB I'm sorry but I'm not sure what you're asking ;w;

@Lake Thanks for ordering :)

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11:54pm Feb 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 895
It's fine. ;D I'll just order when slots aren't full. 

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6:07pm Feb 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 194
Alright :)

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7:16pm Feb 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 17,364
I will definately be back! <3


7:40pm Feb 12 2013

Normal User

Posts: 194
Glad to hear!

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6:30pm Feb 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 194
Oh my god, I'm about to cry. I'm so sorry Zen! My computer automatically restarted and the whole composition was lost. :'(( I'll try to finish by the end of the weekend though!

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7:16pm Feb 13 2013


Posts: 3,217
;-; thats ok! 
just sorry to here you lost the work your were
working on xD 


2:55pm Feb 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 194
Finally! I'm donetle="" target=""> [x]  if anything needs a change then rMail me c:

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4:52pm Feb 16 2013


Posts: 3,217
:D aww! thank you!


4:53pm Feb 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 194
Glad you like it! :)

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8:09pm Feb 16 2013

Normal User

Posts: 895
Art Type: Fursona
References (Images would be nice): ;w; I have no pics. But he's a gray cat thing. His eyes are just pure black. He's splattered with multiple colors of paint. He smiles. I'm pinning for cute, not creepy. 
Specifics (Additional scars, props, etc.): He's holding of those wide paint brushes that has many different colors of paint on it. 
Pose (Optional): Whatever you want. 
Payment: 1mil

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