Hi guys! I just recently got back into Rescreatu, so I figured I'd try and make some tu by offering commissions. You can find my deviantArt
tle="Pika's Art Shop" target="_blank">HERE.
Right now I'm mainly interested in tu, although I will accept credits! Especially since I need one to change my class to merchant.
I'm just basing my prices off of what I've seen around, if you think something is too expensive, let me know and maybe we could work something out?
Sketch: 500k tu
Black and White Headshot: 2mil
Colored Headshot: 5mil
Black and White Full Body: 7mil
Colored Full Body: 10mil
Prices on backgrounds vary depending on how detailed you'd like it. At most it'd probably be around 5mil.
Additional characters are 2.5mil each, with a max of four(including the original character.)
I'm pretty much willing to draw anything! I can draw Homestuck characters, furries, your pets, etc. I won't draw anything nsfw, but I'm fine with drawings body horror/gore or characters in revealing clothes.
Just send me an RMail with your commission info, and what you want! I'll let you know if I'm able to do it, and if I am I'll get started on it right away and let you know when it's finished.
Available Slots: