You walk into the shelter, which is full of dozens of cats. Most of them have been found as strays or given up by their owners, but aren't in cages, like most shelters. Instead, these cats are in huge glass rooms, each one about the size of someone's front lawn. The rooms are full of food, water, cat toys, things for the cats to climb on, everything you could imagine that cats would enjoy. And they're all happy.
A calico cat walks up to you, not in a cage. She looks at you,with a very confused look on her face. "Why are you here...? The shop is
Closed until further notice."
I've decided to make more adoptables. They're pixel cats made on Microsoft Paint, and I'm very happy with how the outline turned out.
First three people each get one for free,(the free ones are gone.) and after that they will cost 35k each.
Since the first ones are free, you might as well get one. What've you got to lose?
You may post it on your profile or in your signature as long as you give me credit.
You may not post these anywhere other than Rescreatu.
Do not steal my art.
At the moment, you can not make customs. You just have to see what you get.
Fill this thing out.
Why do you want one of these adoptables?(delete these messages):
Pick a number between 1 and 10 (this is here for a reason, trust me. It has something to do with what your cat will look like. C:):
What will your cat's name be?(if you want to decide after you see the cat just say so.):
Your Favorite color/colors?(maximum of two) (this is the only thing you'll have complete control over when it comes to the cat's design. It will decide what the cat's eye color is.):
If you want to breed your cats, fill out this form:
Male cat's name:
Female Cat's Name:
Both cats can be yours or you can breed your cat with someone else's, but you have to have their permission first.
Breeding costs 25k, and your cats can have 1-4 kittens.
The kittens will look like a mix between the mother and father.
-Item Shop-
Permanant Fur Pattern Dye: Allows you to decide the patterns of your cat. does not change the colors on the cat.. 15k. (note: you may only put NATURAL colors on your cat. example: gray, calico, orange tabby, siamese, etc. etc. etc.)
Permanant Fur Color Dye: Allows you to change the colors on the cat. Does not change the pattern. 15k. (natural colors only.
Pattern and color dye: this is basically just a combination of the patten dye and the color dye, but it costs less than buying each of them seperately. 25k
each month, I will auction off a very rare cat/group of cats that are one of a kind.
August Auction: TEH TIGER KITTEH

Tiger Kitty says ":Look at me I'm so awesome"
Starting bid: 40k
You must bid at least 10k more than the current bid.
Current bid:510k (Silentstep's bid.)
Shorthair: The most common breed, it comes in all natural colors.
Persian: A rare breed, but definitely not the rarest. Long fur. Comes in all natural colors.
Hairless: No fur. Extremely rare. Again, it has no fur, so it only comes in colors like gray or pink.
Cephei Cat: Very, very rare. Was created when Cephei combined a shorthair with a hairless cat. Only ONE in existance.
Manx: A rare breed. No tail. Usually comes in calico, but can be any color.
More breeds could be created or discovered at any time!
news was added. (lol)
The thread's mascot (Koi) was added.
Shorthair: the most common breed. Looks like an average cat.
Persian: A rare breed. Has long, soft fur.
Hairless: Very rare breed. Has no fur.
Cephei Cat: Extremely rare breed created by Cephei by combining a hairless cat with a shorthair. These cats have long tails and look sort of like wrinkly old angry men.
Scottish Fold: This is a very rare breed with folded ears. They also seem to be very loved by the customers of this thread.
Fallen Cat: Medium-length fur and long tail. An extremely rare breed created by Fallen Leaves by breeding a Persian cat with a shorthair.
Bobtail Cat: A cat with a very short tail. This is a rare breed.
Manx: A cat with no tail at all. Very rare.