Planet Kusher 2.0 (adoptable)

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7:06am Jul 23 2021 (last edited on 9:15am Dec 11 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955

List of Adoptable Adopted

For now, introducing:

Narrative: Yuduri is a play of words, combined, from Malay words of ‘yu’ (shark) and ‘duri’ (spike/thorn) which means Spiky Shark. Yuduri is a creature of the deep ocean of Atquati. Some fishermen though have reported the sight of Yuduri in the sea of Relcore but no scientific findings were found. They are called deep chompers and are the apex predator of the ocean. Their only rival under the deep is the mega evolved Anemolt. The are the creature every fishermen fear and the guardian of the Atquati ocean whirlpools.
Narrative: Chini is inspired by Malay-folk legend, the dragon of Tasek Chini (Chini Lake). Body structure and appearance inspired by kirin (Japanese mythical creature). Coloring was inspired by water, summer, and brightness of the dragon in Disney’s Raya, Sisu. Chini are omnivorous dragon-like creature than resides around the river banks and less frequently the beaches. They live in harmony with Aquwas as they are both gentle creatures. Chini are very social and travel in groups called herds. The herd is often led by a dominant male stagon (stag-dragon), though with some species the herds are segregated by male/female. Sometimes the females will have their own herd and the males will have a separate herd. In other cases, a female herd is watched over by a herd of males.
Narrative: Aquwa is a fox-like swift creature of the deep. Their whole body is made up of liquid-looking element and they are the guardians of Palora Isle. Aquwa are are very social creatures that live in packs. Aquwas have great eyesight, hearing and swift creature. They can run fast on land and superspeed under water. They present as fox-like creature on land but have no definite shape under water as they are 'one with the water'. Many people think Aquwas are omnivore but fact is, they are herbivore creatures. They are the only creature immune to the attack of Yuduris.
Uminu are shy creatures. They can only be seen wandering on the isle when there is no human. They can live both on land and underwater. Most of the time they are in the water due to their sensitive skin towards ultraviolet lights. Their diet consists of small crustaceans, snails, sea weeds and plants and small fishes.
Narrative: Brachiado is inspired from brachiosaurus. The leaves behind their back is for defense purposes and blanket for night time and long winter season, not wings (they can’t fly even if they have wings lol).


Narrative: Quetzalt is an inspiration from Aztec culture, the mighty man-swallowing feathered serpent, Quetzalcoatl. Quetzalts are not born with the headdress, the headdress came from heaven (or hell, I’m not sure) a few hours after they hatched. Vivid natural color of the Quetzal symbolises dominance as they are territorial species.

Narrative: Isamu is a predator of the deep Atqueen Forest. This creature devours any lost soul or abandoned creatus. Standing at 6 feet, this creature even goes after humans. BE EXTRA CAREFUL while wandering around!
Narrative: Usa is a medium-sized creature native to North and South Relcore. Usas are generalists and can adapt to wide variations of habitat. North Relcore Usa has wider antlers compared to the South Relcore Usa. Usas eat large amounts of food, commonly eating legumes and foraging on other plants, including shoots, leaves, cacti, prairie forbs, and grasses. They also eat acorns, fruit, and corn. Their muliti-chambered stomachs allow them to eat some foods humans cannot, such as mushrooms, (even those that are toxic to humans) and poison ivy. Their diets vary by season according to availability of food sources.
Narrative: Onghuo is a Chinese culture-inspired species. The flame-like fire on their back and leg is not actual fire, they are actually just hairs mimicking fire for defensive purpose. Onghuo means lucky fire in Chinese.
Narrative: Inferni is a dragon-like creature combining lizard/dragon, feline feature (especially lion) and bird (possibly wild duck). The scales on their body is actually metals; gold, silver, platinum, brass, bronze, etc according to their color. With sharp teeth, claws and beak, they are fierce creatures but on a shocking side, they actually are vegetarian! Just kidding, they eat people!

Narrative: Woobuzz is a playful little canine that emits a really calming buzz sound out of its snout. Baby Woobuzz is as small as a little peanut but they can grow up to the size of Zenirix (or even bigger). They love honey and live in a hierarchical hive with a queen and a king. The royal color is their queen and king colors. Even though they are friendly little beans, their fangs are venomous. Don’t let them bite!
Narrative: Fenix is a feathered creature from Reiflem. They originally inhabited Scria until Scria turned colder than it once was. Fenix migrated to Reiflem and become one of the sought after species in all five planets. Fenix feathers are highly valuable that they are traded among potion makers to make magical potions and elixirs. It is rumored that one of the ingredients to make Potion of Lucks is the Fenix feather. The method of how Fenix is hatched is special as you need to burn the egg to ashes and from the ashes, rises the baby Fenix. Fenix Egg can never be cracked by any mean except from burning the shell with flame. Fenix roams high altitude and commonly seen around mountains. Fenix can breath fire in the later stage of their life, mostly when they are in their mega stage.
Narrative: Pangodil is inspired by pangolin and armadillo. More armadillo than pangolin though. It’s coloring and armor are inspired by a paladin.
Status: EXTINCT!
Narrative: the name Memera comes from a play of Malay word, ‘memerang’ which means otter. They are the royalty species of Atquati. One can only find the egg to hatch from diving into the Enchanted Springs and pick up a Rainbow Shell with the Memera egg resembling a shiny gem. 
Narrative: Binturo is inspired by binturong (also known as bearcat). Binturo is one of Scrian predators. They look like they would make a good cuddle companion but fact is, they’re ferocious as a Tasmanian tiger. They do like some pets and belly scrubs though! They are carnivorous and would prey on Kayokis the most. Furry preys are for furry predators they say.
Narrative: Misi is a gift from God. This feathered angelic creature nest on the clouds of Scria. Only worthy travellers find them in the wild and they are hard to be domesticated. They lay golden eggs that later covered in the mother’s feathers. Female Misis cover their eggs with their feathers to avoid their eggs being stolen by evil hearts. During infancy, the color of their feathers is dull and unattractive but once they reach adulthood, their color shines brightly. In later stage of their lives, they’re also given a halo by the God.

Narrative: their slick body is made out of metal. They are artificially made in a forbidden lab of Uldavi. All you need to do to hatch one is to charge the battery-like egg with 45 million volts of energy.
Narrative: mechanically inspired by robotic creatus of Uldavi (Kir’s). The body is made up of hologram-like artificial intelligent fluid.

Narrative: Byul is a Korean word means Star. Byul is a mythic species that is born from the core of shooting star (or comet, scientifically). Their egg is guarded by a mystical outer-space orb that will grow together with them until they die. Folks say that the orbs are their souls, but nothing is ever confirmed. Byuls float like how Kioka is and they were never found using their four legs to walk on the ground. They only mimic the walking gesture when they float. Byuls diet is any acidic item, but their favorite is hydrobromic acid. Byuls do not mate, they can only be born from the core of a shooting star.
Narrative: Medura is an alien creature that was accidentally created from toxic waste dumped by Kir headquarter. Because of the origin of their creation, Medura is highly toxic to any predator that they are not food to any species. Medura absorbs energy to continue living and they are practically immortal - which means they cannot die from aging, but they can die from being killed. The have self-healing property and can survive in any atmosphere. They are immune to extreme temperatures, can survive in vacuum, can be submerged in water and insulator to electric. The only way to kill a Medura is to explode them from the inside as their skin is durable to any physical means. They do not mate and their natural reproductive method is by submerging the adult into the toxic waste they're created from. Time taken for one Medura to reproduce is a year, making them rare to 'breed'. They look like a combination of Quelis, Kurrabi, Leverene and Kit.
Narrative: Malevolently Engineered Robotic Killing Andorid (MERKA) is a species developed to unleash havoc to the four worlds. They are created in Uldavi by the same creator that made Kir. They are highly dangerous and only those with taming chips can domesticate them. MERKA taming chips won't be available via egg release and can only be bought during special events or releases in Kush Adopt Discord Server.
Narrative: Altered & Engineered Robotic Loving Android (AERLA) is a species developed by a young scientist and her lover, a great inventor/engineer of Uldavi. This species was specifically created to neutralize MERKA's creation. Having an AERLA can guarantee your MERKA being domesticated. AERLA altered gem won't be available via egg release and can only be bought during special events or releases in Kush Adopt Discord Server.

Narrative: the predator of Relcore forest. Vetan is Indian for hunter. Their fur is made of camouflage-able coat that can camouflage into the surrounding. The normal hue of the coat has 8 colors ranging from berry reddish purple to faded navy blue. The glowing green eye-like spots are their offensive feature where the spots can release pheromones to make their prey(s) hallucinate (Quetzalt is the only species known to be immune to this pheromone).
Narrative: Purrot is a pirate-inspired feline-parrot. They purr like cats and talk like parrots. This species is available in all across the globe but abundant in Scria. They love shiny things and would steal any shiny artefacts, golds or items and stash in their fluffy feathers. Purrots are mainly owned by pirates as they can only be purchased with Relking coins but some brave travelers are also seen owning them.
Narrative: Anemolt is a calm creature of the deep. They can also be seen wandering around Relcore and Atquati rivers looking for food in the summer. They are very gentle but can be carnivorously scary when evolved to their full potential. They are amphibians that can live both on land and under water. They are limited in population as they are usually hunted for their delicious meat and preyed by the Vetans. 

1. Customization can be made with the Delicate Paintbrushes. 
2. I will release few colors of each species every few days or weeks.
3. First come first serve basis. 
4. Please send TU (or item/s in certain cases) when you snatch an egg/s (right after you posted).
5. One egg per person, unless stated otherwise, though one person can claim more than one egg at a time. (tle="" target="_blank">elaborated explanation here)
6. Exclusive species will be the rarest, followed by Uldavian.
7. Colors are not deliberately called in colors existed in Rescreatu to avoid people thinking (for example) albino is rarer than other colors cause it is not in this Planet. Albino worth just as much as sepia here. I will still use some of the color names though (for example albino, natural) but again, no color really is higher than the other unless specified otherwise. The only color(s) worth more than the other (for now, but isn’t always the case) are blackgold, pride (Rescreatu: rainbow), blacklight (Rescreatu: trance), camouflage and those listed under special colors.
8. Effects can be applied to ALL species & color unless specified otherwise. One effect bought is for one pet. Effect is only applicable on an adult. 

Special colors: Pride, Blackgold, Silvergold, Camouflage, Mythical, Blacklight, Magma, Toxic
Specialty: Blackgold and Silvergold, Pride and Blacklight, are the yin-yang of each other if you purchase one you will get discount for the other counterpart (in other word, you get discount if you buy both)


7:07am Jul 23 2021 (last edited on 7:11pm Nov 19 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955

(0 tu)

Introducing Vetan - the jungle hunter. This is an exclusive species (similar to cash shop creatu) where I would not be taking TU as payments. You can ONLY purchase these eggs with either cashpoints (CP) or Relking coins (RC).

You can paint your Vetan in your own color scheme!
Purchase this base and just let me know what coloring you would want.
Base Vetan Egg
(50 RC or 10 CP)
————— ————— —————
Introducing Purrot - the coin collectors. This is an exclusive species (similar to cash shop creatu) where I would not be taking TU as payments. You can ONLY purchase these eggs with Relking Coins.

You can paint your Purrot in your own color scheme!
Purchase this base and just let me know what coloring you would want.
Base Purrot Egg
(50 Relking Coins)
————— ————— —————
Introducing Anemolt - cute little wiggler from the deep. This is an exclusive species (similar to cash shop creatu) where I would not be taking TU as payments. You can ONLY purchase these eggs with Cashpoints (CP).

You can paint your Anemolt in your own color scheme!
Purchase this base and just let me know what coloring you would want.
Base Anemolt Egg
(8 CP)
————— ————— —————
Introducing Xilong - a revamp species from Planet Kusher - the pilot. This is an exclusive species (similar to cash shop creatu) where I would not be taking TU as payments. You can ONLY purchase these eggs with Cashpoints (CP) and they are only available during event periods.

You can also paint your Xilong in your own color scheme!
Purchase this base and just let me know what coloring you would want.
Base Xilong Egg
(20 CP)


Potion of Lucks
You can use this potion on any of your pets (excluding exclusive species) and turn it into a magical OR mutant creature.
The chance for each version is 50-50 and you will get a new design (either magical or mutant) of the pet in ONLY the adult stage.
One time use.


Flightless Wing
You can feed this flightless wing to any of your pets (including exclusive species, excluding pets with natural wings) and turn it into a feathered-winged version of the species.
The art is available for ONLY the adult stage as this is considered an effect.
One time use.


Wooden Delicate Paintbrush
This paintbrush can be used to change one color of your existing pet.
For example: the blue color of Wheat Chini, change to red.
Resulting in yellow and red Wheat Chini instead of supposedly yellow and blue.
One time use.

(2,000,000 tu)

Silver Delicate Paintbrush
This paintbrush can be used to paint one species for the whole color scheme. You can come up with your own color of the specific pet according to how many color palette the specified pet has. This can only be used with the purchase of base egg.
One time use.
Not applicable for exclusive species.

(5,000,000 tu)

Golden Delicate Paintbrush
This paintbrush can be used to paint one species for the whole color scheme, adding pattern, or mimicking any existing design. This can only be used with the purchase of base egg. For example, using on base Chini to create a Chini with color and pattern of Captain America.
One time use.
Not applicable for exclusive species.
Not applicable to erase existing lineart.

(10,000,000 tu)

Blood Delicate Paintbrush
This paintbrush can be used to put on the blood effect of the color Blood 🩸 on any of your pet.
One time use.

(8,000,000 tu)

Stripe Effect Plate

You can apply this effect on any ONE pet YOU OWN and it will give stripe feature for the chosen pet.
The stripes color follows and complements the existing species & color of the pet it is applied onto.

(5,000,000 tu)

Rune Effect Plate

You can apply this effect on any ONE pet YOU OWN and it will give rune feature for the chosen pet.
The runes color follows and complements the existing species & color of the pet it is applied onto.

(7,500,000 tu)

Cloning Blueprint
This blueprint can clone any special color and custom design (from expensive colors or Golden Customs or Exclusives like the Horoscope line & upcoming Halloween line) except mutants, magicals and megas. You may or may not need to have the designed pet as your own. You can borrow other people’s pets and clone it at the lab. For example if you want a Horoscope: Sagittarius Byul design with the wings, props and all, you can borrow the Byul from Kush and clone it with your own color palette.
Price: 80% of whatever they were sold for, if the custom is not yours you need to pay 80% to Kush and minimum of 20% of their base price to the respective owner. The original owner can charge however % max price they deem right for them. The owner can also refuse the cloning request for any reason, disclosed or not. Remember to never pester the original owner if they refused to sell the clone.


Radioactive Gem
Use this item on your adult pet (any species) and turn it into its Mega version.
Can only be used once.

(Leaderboard exclusive)
(chance of being in the Discord giveaway)


Add-on Console: Simple
This console is used to add small details like make-up, bracelet and anything that covers only less than 10% of the adopt.

(2,000,000 tu per add-on)

Add-on Console: Fancy
This console is used to add medium details like small trinkets, companions, crown, small wings and anything that covers 11-40% of the adopt.

(5,000,000 tu per add-on)

Add-on Console: Complex
This console is used to add large details like full-body armor, full clothing, big wings and anything that covers more than 40% of the adopt.

(10,000,000 tu per add-on)

These are the base egg of each species:
Yuduri, Brachiado, Onghuo, Pangodil, Chini,
Quetzalt, Inferni, Memera, Kit, X023,
Aquwa, Binturo, Isamu, Woobuzz, Misi
Medura, Fenix
(5,500,000 tu)

Those owners with NATURAL color of each species can claim one base egg of the respective species for FREE. Enjoy!

7:11am Jul 23 2021 (last edited on 1:00am Aug 10 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
List of Adoptable Adopted

10:57am Jul 29 2021


Posts: 910
Could I nab a black gold onghuo egg please? <3


10:58am Jul 29 2021 (last edited on 10:59am Jul 29 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 941
I'd love to nab a BG yuduri pleaase


11:03am Jul 29 2021 (last edited on 11:03am Jul 29 2021)


Posts: 2,165
Can I buy the natural onghuo egg please? ;o;


11:34am Jul 29 2021 (last edited on 11:37am Jul 29 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
Shark has picked up a Blackgold Onghuo Egg.
Something has happened! The egg cracked and…
Blackgold baby Onghuo hatched!

Billark has picked up a Blackgold Yuduri Egg.
Something has happened! The egg cracked and…
Blackgold baby Yuduri hatched!

Xichen has picked up a Natural Onghuo Egg.
Something has happened! The egg cracked and…
Natural baby Onghuo hatched!


It takes 3 days for hatchlings to become adults,
or you can speed up by paying 3,000,0000 tu to the super growth machine.

11:51am Jul 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 44
id love to buy the nattie yuduri :3

11:52am Jul 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 41
Could I snag the nattie Pangodil egg?


12:35pm Jul 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 228
black and gold pangodil egg please !


12:36pm Jul 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 955
I will update after reset tomorrow, gotta go sleep now :)

2:51pm Jul 29 2021


Posts: 910
Forgot to sub. SO CUTE <3333


6:32pm Jul 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 436
Can i get Brachiado egg, please?


8:15pm Jul 29 2021

Normal User

Posts: 44
also forgot to sub lol :P

12:28am Jul 30 2021 (last edited on 12:28am Jul 30 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
Kippy has picked up a Natural Yuduri Egg.
Something has happened! The egg cracked and…
Natural baby Yuduri hatched!

Schley has picked up a Natural Pangodil Egg.
Something has happened! The egg cracked and…
Natural baby Pangodil hatched!

Elohim has picked up a Blackhold Pangodil Egg.
Something has happened! The egg cracked and…
Blackgold baby Pangodil hatched!

Otachie has picked up a Natural Brachiado Egg.
Something has happened! The egg cracked and…
Natural baby Brachiado hatched!


It takes 3 days for hatchlings to become adults,
or you can speed up by paying 3,000,0000 tu to the super growth machine.

11:44am Jul 30 2021

Normal User

Posts: 436
i would also want to purchase the black and gold Brachiado egg, please ^~^
this baby Dino is so cute!


5:00pm Jul 30 2021

Normal User

Posts: 41
May I age up my Pangodil? I'm assuming it's 3mil and you made a typo, so I'm sending that, lmk if I'm wrong! <3


5:38pm Jul 30 2021 (last edited on 5:46pm Jul 30 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
@Schley what typo?

Schley has put the hatchling into the super growth machine.
Something has happened! Schley’s Natural Pangodil is now an adult.


Otachie has picked up a Blackgold Brachiado Egg.
Something has happened! The egg cracked and…
Blackgold baby Brachiado hatched!


It takes 3 days for hatchlings to become adults,
or you can speed up by paying 3,000,0000 tu to the super growth machine.

1:34am Jul 31 2021 (last edited on 2:32pm Jul 31 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 955
New update!
Latest species has been found (or rather artificially created)
Introducing Kit from Uldavi
It’s gonna be on the rarer (rarest line actually) of the adoptable so it’s gonna cost a few more millions compared to other planet. BUT trust me they’re complex art and not to mention cute/cool!

Eggs are found!

Pride Creatu Eggs
Pride Onghuo egg
(10,000,000 tu)

3:36am Jul 31 2021

Normal User

Posts: 41
Id like the pride kit egg please <3
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