Professor X's Banners!

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12:46pm Feb 23 2013 (last edited on 4:11pm Mar 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 37
Hey there! I'm Charles/Professor X/Telepath, and I make banners and overlays! *u*


All banners will be uploaded here, so check that link to see more examples!

All overlays will be uploaded here, so check that link for more examples!

I can do any dimension, and work with pretty much any specifications! The one thing I can't do is animation, so please bear this in mind when ordering from me.

Price: Offer what you feel is fair! 
I don't have enough examples or enough of a feel for the pricing system to be comfortable charging a set price. I'll take TU, creatu, or WL items (haha, stop dreaming, Charles).

If you'd like a banner from me, just fill out this skeleton and post it here:
Pet Name:
Pet Age/Species/Color:
Toptext (any large text you'd like on the banner):
Subtext (any small text you'd like on the banner, optional):
Color Scheme:
Font (either a specific one or a general look):
Additional info (anything else I may need to know):

If you'd like an overlay from me, just fill out this skeleton and post it here:
Pet Name:
Pet Age/Species/Color:
Desc[injection]ription of overlay (please include any references here, and be as detailed as possible!):
Additional info (anything else I may need to know):

And thanks for ordering! ;u;

2:37pm Feb 23 2013


Posts: 2,161
Pet Name: Pharma

Pet Age/Species/Color: Adolescent rose veram

Toptext (any large text you'd like on the banner): Just the name of the creatu. <3

Subtext (any small text you'd like on the banner, optional): "You were never that good a doctor."

Color Scheme: Black and pale violet, like the blood splatters in my signature

Font (either a specific one or a general look): Not really, maybe blood (pale violet) if you can

Additional info (anything else I may need to know): Pharma is one of my favourite characters from Transformers. If you can, I'll give you a picture of him to include.


2:38pm Feb 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 37
Could you send me a picture to include? c:

2:42pm Feb 23 2013


Posts: 2,161


3:30pm Feb 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 37
Alright, I finished it.

Is this what you were after?

7:11pm Feb 23 2013


Posts: 2,161
That is AWESOME!!! *hyperventelates* Oh, man... Um... *has no idea how to price such awesomeness... (it's way better than the one I made... LOL) Um... Starting price? o3o


7:26pm Feb 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 37
Aha, thank you! ♥ How does 500k sound? Too much? I'm bad with prices, so seriously just offer whatever you feel is fair.

7:29pm Feb 23 2013


Posts: 2,161
500k? O.o I'd feel bad buying it for only 500k, dude. Let me give you at least 700k. XD 


7:31pm Feb 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 37
Send whatever you want to my bank. ♥ And thanks for ordering!

7:31pm Feb 23 2013


Posts: 2,161
Thank you so much for the banner!


5:58pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
Text:  And above all, watch with glittering eyes the whole world around you because the greatest secrets are always hidden in the most unlikely places. Those who don't believe in magic will never find it.
Color Scheme: The colors on my profile: lavender, violet, navy, and the like<3
Font: Whatever you think works best
Additional info: This banner is going to take place of the words on the profile so if you could try your best to make it suitable for the prof, that'd be awesome. ^^

hello my name is elder price

6:02pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 461
Pet Name: Quiver
Pet Age/Species/Color: Adult Black Wyrae
Toptext (any large text you'd like on the banner): Quiver
Subtext (any small text you'd like on the banner, optional):"Your death opens a door. It's nothing personal."
Color Scheme: Gray and black, with a little dark red.
Font (either a specific one or a general look): Generally.. maybe a bit sneaky, but boldish? Like a proud wyrae  but I guess it's like an assassin, if that makes sense XD whatever looks good!
Additional info (anything else I may need to know): Perhaps you could somehow incorporate a bow and arrow? Those go well with quiver


6:12pm Mar 2 2013 (last edited on 6:14pm Mar 2 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 938
Pet Name:Kuurone (kuuro)
Pet Age/Species/Color: adult/Mirabilis/black
Desc[injection]ription of overlay (please include any references here, and be as detailed as possible!): looks like this: Photobucket
but as a mira so 2 red rings on each of the miras beak horn things, a red ring around neck, two round the feet and two around the wings, then two on each tail. Colouring should be pure black body with red rings and red eyes... also the rings hover like that ^ i hope this is understandable XD
Additional info (anything else I may need to know): ill pay 1mil maybe 2mil XD


6:14pm Mar 2 2013


Posts: 2,161
Pet Name: Pharma

Pet Age/Species/Color: Adolescent rose veram

Deion of overlay (please include any references here, and be as detailed as possible!):
Additional info (anything else I may need to know): Make it as close to the following image as possible, without completely turning him into a robot. The colours are important, along with the wings, chest, shoulders and facial ex
pression. He needs to look psychotic, but like a subtle hint of psychopathy. Like he's hiding the fact that he's mentally damaged. If this is too complicated, just let me know and I'll get less complicated.


7:11pm Mar 2 2013 (last edited on 7:48pm Mar 2 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 37
How does this look?

Does this look okay? I tried to keep it cleanish and sleek.

Here's what I came up with. It's transparent, so it should fit nicely on your profile without looking like a hasty add-in, lol.

8:23pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 461
Eii that's awesome! Haha is it finished? If so how much would you like? :D


8:32pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 37
Aha, yes, it's done! c: And I don't know, transfer whatever you feel is fair into my bank. ;u; And thanks for ordering!

9:16pm Mar 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3,828
It's absolutely perfect! Thank you.<3

hello my name is elder price

9:13am Mar 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 938
Ahh cute ill send tu :3


2:51pm Mar 3 2013 (last edited on 3:14pm Mar 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,105
Pet Name:HollyHeart12
Pet Age/Species/Color:Magenta Aukira baby
Toptext (any large text you'd like on the banner): HollyHeart12
Subtext (any small text you'd like on the banner, optional): Banner By Telepath
Color Scheme:i like colorful things i like pinks and blues i want it to look like the rainbow one in ypur examples and could i have all the different colored aukiras around the border(little ones)
Font (either a specific one or a general look): I like nice flowy fonts but not really curly.
Additional info (anything else I may need to know):. I would like to know how much it would cost before you start tho and can U contact me by rmail. thanks =]

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