Profile Coding by Pegasus

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6:46pm Feb 13 2021 (last edited on 7:48am Mar 22 2021)


Posts: 1,586
Have B, F, G, I, J, L, W, Z. Looking for A, M, P, T, Y ~ Rejecting Vday Requests! ~ Profile coding (incl ART) starting at just 15 mill [url=]
Want a snazzy new profile? 


Simple profiles start at 15 mill

Complicated features (like mine) go for up to 50 mill

I also do art! I can do small badges to go with your profile. Prices subject to complexity. 

1. Theme

2. Colors

3. Background

4. Art (ask me about profile art!)

5. Additional (special font, text boxes, or fancy cool things)


6:51pm Feb 13 2021

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
Theme: rainbows and unicorns and horses

2. Colors: rainbows and cotton candy

3. Background: suprise me <3

4. Art (ask me about profile art!): please make me some epic art ill pay 60mill for some fun art. Right now my unicorn is on my profile. A fat draft thats white with blue points

5. Additional (want a special font, text boxes, or fancy cool things): make it fun and super kawaii ill love anything ya do.


7:28am Feb 14 2021

Normal User

Posts: 608
Would you be able to fix the broken bits on mine? The links at the top have broken & the images around my pets have broken too :/


2:11pm Feb 14 2021


Posts: 1,586
Sure Boonys!


7:40am Feb 17 2021

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
I do not want a snazzy new profile >.<

I do, however, want a little icon for my non-snazzy profile. Something about the size of those samples would be ideal (although I guess I can resize, but unless they're SVGs images always look better viewed at actual size). Just a little icon of the wolf I based all my staff items on (although it's evolved since those were drawn).

Basically, it's a slightly elongated wolf with a fluffy neck and tail and spirit tendrils around it. Kinda ghosty in color. I don't know what color the eye glow is, it changes from picture to picture, pick one of the two XD


7:41am Feb 17 2021


Posts: 1,586
Certainly wolfspi!


5:07pm Feb 23 2021

Normal User

Posts: 161
1. Theme - Promare based (The anime movie)
2. Colors - Black, teal, cyan, green, turqoise, and blues

3. Background - Anything you feel appropriate based off the theme

4. Art - None needed but if you feel if some would be appropriate i can pay

5. Additional - I'll leave this up to you! 

Ill pay up to 100m so like go wild off that <3 


8:24pm Feb 23 2021


Posts: 1,586
Sure Seraph! I just have to finish up Wolfspirit's badge and then I can start on yours


10:12pm Mar 17 2021

Normal User

Posts: 16
If this is still open I'd love to make a request
I'm just looking for a simple profile design
Preferably between 15 and 25mil
1. Theme
Akatsuki from Naruto, preferably based off of deidara (character)
2. Colors
Red, white, and black
3. Background
Something that you feel would be fitting
4. Art (ask me about profile art!)
Not at this moment, but maybe later
5. Additional (special font, text boxes, or fancy cool things)
Maybe one text box, just so I can post my goals on my profile

7:24pm Aug 24 2023

Normal User

Posts: 53
1. Theme atquati

2. Colors atquati colors blues white silvers water

3. Background go crazy I want to represent atquati XD

4. Art shuve a albino Guiblyss sum where doesn't have to be art just the pet pic is cool

5. Additional (Just needs to link to my Buying These pets all day long! 
Rmail for trades/Buying
I log in from my phone laptop and desktop where ever I am comfy at that day.
Shord89 is my husband ) eh this info for mods and my buying junk link otherwise nothing 

Like Verams but Guibs aquati XD 

3:01pm May 27 2024

Normal User

Posts: 2
Theme - Love (So something cute on the front with the colors or wtv <3) 
Colors - Black, Sage and Beige.
Background- Anything having to do with love ( Silhouette couple preferably )
Art- ( Derp Ahea <Natural>, Zenirix <Frost Light effect, ginger> and Frost light meragon. (You can honestly just like.. copy n paste the ones straight from the game or however it works) 
Additional- 𝕿𝖍𝖎𝖘 𝕱𝖔𝖓𝖙, from this website

can you please put at the top right something that says "I Love Him" 

Thank you <3 

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