Rescreatu - Virtual Pet Game

Raychol's Profile Auction & Contest!

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9:12pm Aug 14 2009 (last edited on 9:53pm Sep 11 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 443

Raychol's Profile Auction

Welcome! I'm auctioning a pre-made profile layout that I drew [entirely] by hand. If you are seriously interested in purchasing the layout, please be sure to carefully read everything here. I'm also running a contest for those of you not interested in this particular layout, so check it out!

Table of Contents:
x Previews
x Rules
x Package Info



The main piece of the layout. You will be able to type anything you want on that piece of 'paper'.


These pieces will be used as banners or places for links. View the "Package Info" section for details.

The layout WILL include backgrounds once I finish coding it. ;)




x Please post your bids in a RED FONT so I can see them easier.
x No stealing any of the images - you will be reported!
x Please be respectful of me and my images. If you don't like them, there's no reason to be here.
x Keep in mind, I do not HAVE to make these images available for Rescreatu members. I did in fact work quite hard on this and if I wanted, I could chose to give them to users on another site.
Do NOT harr*censored* me about making a custom layout for you. My commissions are NOT open.

Rules that Apply to the Winner of the Auction:
(You will be sent a copy of these if you win the layout.)

x You may not edit any of the graphics (simply ask me if you want something changed).
x Rescreatu is the only place you may use these graphics, unless you ask my permission first.
x You may always ask for my help, but do not *censored*ume that I am now your personal "art slave", as previously mentioned. I will do my best, but I have a life. Keep in mind you are buying something that is already made - Don't ask me to remove something or add something to the layout that wouldn't be reasonable. If you don't like it, don't buy it.
x Only ONE person will be allowed to use this layout. It will not be sold again, ever, to anyone else and you may not share it with anyone else either.




Package Info:

There will be different things included in the layout depending on how much the winner ends up paying for it.


Here are some things the "extra images" can be used for:
x Links to your shops, gallery, showroom, personal site, etc.
x A banner for your signature, shop, etc.
x Any other ideas? Let me know! :)


Also, out of the "extra images", you can decide which ones you want to use -
x The bottle & gl*censored*es
x The skull & lantern
x The tree root sign
You can use as many of each depending on how many you get for your package.
I will add to it whatever you want it to say - you will not be allowed to edit these yourself. Text will be added in Photoshop, not in the coding.

Every package includes background images and will be completely coded in a similar way to my own profile. The main table will also feature your name at the top.

5-9 mil Package:
  x The main table piece
  x 3 Extra images

10-14 mil Package:
  x The main table piece
  x 6 Extra images

15-19 mil Package:
  x The main table piece
  x 9 Extra images

20+ mil Package:
  x 2 table pieces with your choice of titles.
  x 12 Extra images
  x 1 new image (I will draw something new for you that fits the theme of the layout! However, the image is entirely up to me, sorry ;) Ask for more details.)

I know bids probably won't go over 10 mil, but just in case. :]
If by some insane, crazy chance bids get higher than 20 mil, I might make up more packages. But I don't think it's even possible so don't nag me about it, okay? ;D





Starting bid: 5,000,000 tu
Current bid:
7,500,000 - Supermonky
Minimum bid increase: 10,000 tu
Auto Buy: 90,000,000 8D  Lol

Starting price is based on what I normally charge for layouts (1 mil). This layout took me several weeks to complete, thus the large price. Sorry guys, I hope this isn't too unreasonable. =(


x PLEASE type out your bid completely like so - 5,010,000 tu
  (I want to be sure there is no confusion, so please just type it out.)
x Post your bids in RED.
Make sure you're adding atleast 10,000 tu to the last bid posted on this forum.




The Contest:

It's very simple. Post your idea, or a list of ideas, for a future layout and if I see one that I like I will send you some kind of gift - an item or tu.

Here are some examples:
 - Candy
 - The Ocean/Beach
 - Roses

Very simple. =) Lots of  "winners".  Feel free to enter!

Please be aware I am not trying to "steal ideas", I simply want to know what you guys would like. If you feel your idea is just too epic for me to know about, don't share it. ;)


 People that have Contributed:

1] Reeses - "Futuristic" & "Emperial China/Food"
2] Mushrooms - "Time"
3] Ping - "Steampunk"
4] Silverstar101 - "Midnight Forest"
5] 1ran - "Sea Floor"
6] Misssmiley37 - "Disco"
7] Dawnheart - "Robots" & "Cotton Candy"
8] Masked - "Dark Carnival"
9] Neiru -
"Tea Time/Cafe"
10] ShadowWolf199 -
"Cats and Dogs"
11] FoxCrazy -
"Forest Animals"

 Thanks so much for all the fantastic ideas guys! =)



Bidding will close at midnight (Res time) on Sunday, September 13th.

An update on the coding: Things may have to be changed a bit since I've been having trouble with the codes, but fear not, I will make sure it's just as customizable. 



10:15pm Aug 14 2009 (last edited on 10:16pm Aug 14 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 6,216

O_O I want, so bad.  I'm going to hope I can raise some Tu from selling things, and if I have enough, I might bid.  Great art- good luck! :) Congrats on being staff!

EDIT: I have an idea. :D Futuristic.  The base table can be some computer thing that generates a hologram with all the information .o3o Other images could be little floaty robots and things.


10:30pm Aug 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 443

Aw! Reeses that would be so fun! Cute little robots... :O I actually think I'll sketch that out. I have a layout in the process right now that is in fact futuristic, sort of, so that would be great to add. :D

And thank you so much! -hugs- Hopefully I can add something positive to the Rescreatu community. =) You've also got plenty of time, I've had several people asking me to let the auction go on for more than a week so they can build up some tu. =P If need be, I'll lower the starting price. :]


10:40pm Aug 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 299
I think I may have a problem... I only have 316 TU, heh... I blew it all on the weekly raffle and didn't win. T.T  oh well. Hehe, ill just go for the creative idea.

Time. :) All sorts of like galaxy time demetion swirls :P and clocks, random numbers, hehehe.


11:09pm Aug 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
Here's an idea: STEAMPUNK. I love steampunk designs, they're awesome.


Feel the love man D:<


11:18pm Aug 14 2009

Normal User

Posts: 443

Oh jeez I'm going to have to send out so many prizes, lol! I love the time idea, Mushrooms, that would be a lot of fun, and it's got a lot of possibilities.

And Ping, Steampunk is freakin sweeeet, I agree, that would be so much fun to take on... Those are both definite possibilities guys, thanks so much!

 Hope you don't mind waiting a little while for your gifts though, my internet is going to slow to send them out just yet, but I promise I will. =)


12:42pm Aug 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
I don't mind waiting...Res lag has taught me the art of patience. O_O No, seriously.  It did.  Lol.


1:34pm Aug 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 443

Prizes sent. =3 My internet totally crashed on me last night, sorry guys.

And no bids? lol I don't think this is going to go very well. I must be asking for way too much. =[


4:45pm Aug 15 2009 (last edited on 4:47pm Aug 15 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,731
Ray, lol, once I get my hands on 10 million pure I'm bidding here (Might even bid more depending on how things go). For sure. Hopefully this Albino Zaphao of mine with sell soon. Otherwise I'd bid with an Albino Veram, but I think tu is probably a better way to go. xD


6:38pm Aug 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 295
Heres an idea for a profile layout: Midnight, forest layout with moving fog (if thats possible)

Image and video hosting by TinyPic

7:19pm Aug 15 2009

Normal User

Posts: 299

Haha, if I didn't blow all my TU, I certainly would bid!


7:53am Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 350

Yeah it started! Thanks for the auction Raychol, and congrats XD



10:03am Aug 16 2009 (last edited on 10:04am Aug 16 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 917

:3 I have an idea! Sea floor!

Steampunk for the win. ^^


8:32pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 350
I say put this in Blogs also. It is kinda hard to find.


9:04pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 419
Hmm. :o
If I didn't spend all my TU, I'll bid. o-o
Bump. :)

Official art/coding slave of Kirsti, Uwi, an' Josh xD
Won't be active often- have too much to do! Dx

9:39pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 42
I have an idea...something disco like. :3

9:40pm Aug 16 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
DX After this auction is over, will you ever hold another one? 


12:36am Aug 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 443

Sorry for disappearing for a bit guys, my internet totally crashed, yet again. :|

 Uwi -  Thanks so much, I certainly hope you do! :D

Aria - Yay, thanks for being my first bidder! -hugs- =D And I will put up a blog ASAP. :3

Silverstar101, 1ran, and Misssmiley37 - Thank you guys SO much for your ideas, they're fantastic! I'm really excited by all this new inspiration, there's definitely stuff I would not have thought of. :3 I think I'll start making a list of people who contributed to the idea list. ;) 

Dawn - Thanks for the bump! [;

Reeses - Yes, I certainly plan too, if I'm not too swamped. There are several different layouts now in the process, hopefully I'll be able to finish one and auction it, but I have no idea how soon that will be. :/

 Thanks everyone, I will edit the first post in just a moment. :]



1:16am Aug 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 419
Well. :D
Technology. xD
And cotton candy plzzz. <3

Official art/coding slave of Kirsti, Uwi, an' Josh xD
Won't be active often- have too much to do! Dx

9:14am Aug 17 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
How about Chinese culture? owo -had Chinese food the other night- And one of the extra images can be a bowl of steaming curry noodle.  The other links can be placed in the steam or on a bowl?  Clay pot bowls are much bigger though.  There could be chopsticks and a Chinese, fire-breathing dragon coiling around a lantern. 8D Plenty of possibilities along with a China tea set.  The main table can consist of the front view of the Emperor's palance, simple enough to be able to show through if text was on it.  Other extra images could be the imperial Emperor garments (big fancy hats, gold silk slippers, etc.) or more Chinese dishes. x3

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