Hay-lo people!!! Is Todeo.
So...Todeo's bored as hay right now and ceiling fans just wont work right now. Sooooooo....I'm pounding me head on the table and creating a thread. Shocking, ja?
So's, you can see my art on my dA account: Todeos art!!!! :D
My SA account: Yay!! More!
Or this thread on here: http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/arts/artgen/todeos-art-thing-updated-frequently-/~page/1/
So I'm drawing a thing for you. It will most likely be traditional (pencil and paper) or, if I really like you (Which I probably do. Tode likes everyone) or think it'll look cool, I'll use my PoS tablet.
Humans will be drawn traditionally. Period. If you'd like someone else to outline/color it for you, I'll let you do that. Once it leaves my virtual hands, it's yours to do with as you wish.......EXCEPT FOR TO CLAIM IT AS YOURS!!!
And the deal with -Sell or Trade-....
I will base my prices depending on how YOU like it and think it is worth. If you dont wanna pay TU, you can take a peek at my wishlist or just send me somethin you think is of -at least- some value. If I already have it, I will either A)gracously decline B)accept it with enthusiasm or C) give it away in my SB game. Please be aware of that. Once it leave your virtual hands, is mine. XD
So, as it goes, I will Rmail you what I have when I am done. It will have RODEORYDER writen over it in big, red letters. If you like it, I will send you an non-Todeod version and post the 'Todeod' version on here as an example. ^^
The thing is, if I draw something for you, you tell me what and what colors, and the 'mood', but leave the rest to me. If you tell me what to draw, what it looks like, AND what it's doing........I dunno. It stifles my creativity or somethin and I caint do it...*shrug*
What I WILL draw:
-anything else I think I can draw
What I WONT draw:
-Nakey people (Like you should be requesting that anyway ;))
-Anything that just dosent seem worth it. Beleive it or not, I have a life and, strange though it may seem, I'm actually very busy.
-Anything else I cant think of
Anything I think I wont be able to accomplish, I'll tell you. I will try, though. Dont hate me if I phail epically. ^^
Ohmigosh that sounded smart. XD
Thankes you! Hope you find my art work satisfactory!