Puffballs <3
Hey there! Are you wondering what a Snuffle is? Are you wondering what a Quibble is? Well, a Quibble is a fluffy ball of love. They never get angry and are very easy to care for. A Snuffle is a whole group of Quibbles! Are you curious to see exactly what a Quibble looks like? Well... Here's my Quibble, Fluffalump!
Of course, not all of the Quibbles will look like exactly like Fluffalump, although they will have the same shape.
So, now that you know what a Quibble looks like, I'm going to explain a bit of history about the Quibbles.
Quibbles were created by SugarSnow. She's extremely practiced in the art of magicks, and she gathered up a bunch of fluffy, soft, clean cotton and zapped it with her magical spells. The magic worked of course, and the cotton came alive. It turned into many different colors with some oddly shaped spots after SugarSnow used another spell on it that turned it into different colors. The Quibble used to be white, but was now colorful and wonderful.
SugarSnow came up with the name Quibble after the cotton fluff squealed out, "Quibble! Quibble!" It had bounced over to SugarSnow and snugged her and cuddled her. SugarSnow immediately fell in love with her creation and decided to make more to share with the whole world. But she wouldn't charge for these magical creations. People could tip her yes, but the Quibbles were going to be free! Free for all to have! These magical creations would be a hit. People would be able to have pets for free that would love them earnestly and without a fault. It was time to get to work!
SugarSnow studied Quibbles. She even wrote a book about them. "The Magical Quibbles," the book was called. Here's a few pages of the book:
As I was spending more and more time with Quibbles, I found out about their diet. They will only eat fruit, pineapple being their favorite snack. That is their diet, and they refuse to eat anything other than fruit.
I also found that Quibbles are very loving. I have never seen one complain or get mad. They can be mischievous though, and love to sneak around and explore. They're rather adventurous, but are a mainly indoor kind of pet.
Quibbles love to play, take naps, and sleep. Even though they have large appetites, they do not need to relieve themselves or use the bathroom. I have no explanation for that, although I suspect its because they are balls of cotton brought to life by my spells and have no actual bladder.
Quibbles get along with any pet, especially dogs. They like to sniff flowers in a garden and love to watch people garden and plant trees. I released a few Quibbles and tracked them down using a tracking device I planted on them and found that they traveled to fruit orchards and lived there. Quibbles seem to have a soft spot for nature and delicious fruit.
Upon releasing some Quibbles to the wild, I discovered that they always lived in small groups of 3-10 Quibbles. There's even a term for a group of Quibbles, and that is a Snuffle. I often come across Snuffles in the wild as I travel around the world, studying various Quibbles.
Quibbles cannot speak any language and the only word they say is "quibble," but they seem to understand what we say to them and can perform many tricks, almost like a dog. However, the tricks cannot be too complicated, for they have no limbs and instead roll around instead of walking.
Quibbles also celebrate different holidays. There is Pineapple Day when all the Quibbles celebrate the existence of their favorite fruit. Pineapple Day is held on February 12th.
There is also Candy Week when they collect and hoard as much candy as they can and after that travel around the world, leaving their homes. They bring the candy with them on their journey and toss the candy at the doorsteps of all the families that live in houses. If they find homeless people, the Quibbles will give them more candy than they leave on the doorsteps of houses. After all the candy is gone - they always seem to bring just enough candy for their journey and use up all their candy with never too much or too little - they return to their homes and take a long sleep which can last a couple of days, usually two or three. The Quibbles cannot be woken up while they rest after their sleepless journey, which is another interesting part of Candy Week. Candy Week is held through August 20th-27th.
Another holiday is Story Day, when all the Quibbles in the world pester their owners until they hear stories. They never ask for stories on any other day. Story Day is on December 3rd.
The last holiday celebrated by the Quibbles is Fruit Day, when they gorge themselves on any fruit that they can find and swell to nearly twice their size. They never stop eating until midnight. At midnight, all the Quibbles suddenly stop eating and go around the house doing normal activities. It takes at least a week for them to shrink back to their normal size and finish digesting all of the fruit that they had consumed. Fruit Day is held on October 19th.
For some reason, only Quibbles that are pets ever celebrate these holidays. Wild Quibbles do not ever celebrate holidays.
Quibbles are such extraordinary and odd little critters. I'm sure the world is very glad of their existence. Each has a different personality, yet they are all smart and loving creatures. I am quite proud of my creations.
Well, that's the end of the sample of the book. Now that you know a little bit more about Quibbles, maybe you would consider adopting one? After all, they are free!
However, you may only adopt one Quibble per Snuffle. If you decide that you don't want a Quibble anymore, it will be released to the Wild, where someone may catch it. You may not change anything about your Quibble. If you have any questions or comments, please be sure to contact me through rmail or by posting on this thread. Thank you!
Everything is completely free, but tips are appreciated.