Spiritual guidance from shini

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5:41am Jul 8 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,459

this has been something I wanted to do for a while and I finally have the courage now so here goes <3

my name is shini
I am an intuitive empath, indigo/starseed, and a spiritual teacher -- and I'm here to offer tarot readings for the good people of rescreatu! Honestly, I don't feel like charging anything for these but if you want to throw over a tip after your reading is done go ahead. I really hope this goes well! And to staff, if this is not allowed or was posted in the wrong space please feel free to remove or do what is needed, I'll understand. 

a little slight disclaimer 

tarot/divination is guidance from the gods and celestial forces but if being used before making a major life decision you should always look within and consult your highest self before choosing your path -- thank you! 

may the flames guide your way


8:56am Jul 8 2019

Normal User

Posts: 4,093
ooh this is awesome! I've had my tarot read a couple times before, but I'm still not super familiar with the different spreads and what kinds of questions should be asked. it would be awesome if you could post that info so me and probably some other tarot newbies could order c: 

Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe

12:48pm Jul 8 2019 (last edited on 1:14pm Jul 8 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 1,459

Hey! :)

I was thinking I could do a six card reading for any question the person has, or I can do a six card general reading for career, love, health, etc. I hope that's okay. This is my first time branching out and offering readings for those other than myself and friends and channeling takes a fair bit of energy out of me so I don't want to get burnt out. ^^;

I will say that I genuinely want to help you guys and readings might get a bit personal, so it's not just going to be I'll draw your cards and then go away. I'll look at what they have to say, ask questions that might help, try to give the best advice I possibly can, and for that reason I ask that orders be sent through Rmail and you include as much detail as you feel comfortable with if asking a specific question. 

also !!!

I forgot to mention that I have three decks: I have my basic mystic dreamer tarot which has all major and minor arcana + court cards, the romance angels tarot (for love readings), and the universe has your back, which isn't directly tarot but the messages are really cute and if you just want something short and wholesome to get through your day combined with wisdom from shinshin I can gladly offer that. I can do a one card romance angel reading too if that is what you like (if asking a love-specific question). 


8:50am Jul 9 2019

Normal User

Posts: 356
I would love to have a tarot reading done by my dear friend <3

I've never had one done before, so I'd love to experience a general reading (:

I'll gladly send you some TU as well!



4:29pm Sep 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 70
Hiya! Are you still doing these, by any chance?

Deathea. Derathea. Kidakida. Arugaru.

Slytherin // Thunderbird // Drenchen // Dauntless // Fire Nation // Instinct // Reiflem


9:37am Sep 19 2019

Normal User

Posts: 1,459

I am. :^)


2:27pm Sep 22 2019

Normal User

Posts: 70
I'm curious. Could I ask for a general reading? ^_^

Deathea. Derathea. Kidakida. Arugaru.

Slytherin // Thunderbird // Drenchen // Dauntless // Fire Nation // Instinct // Reiflem

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