Taking Commissions

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4:13pm Jun 1 2012 (last edited on 1:49pm Jun 4 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 189
Yep that's meee.
I'll flat out say that sometimes with school I'm... unreliable. I get busy when i'm not on break.
I thank people who have given me utmost patience.
But now that I'm on break...
I can catch up.

I know that Dragonling and Ciruelo have commissions.
I will get them done.

i have a black shaefu now so i'm just doing commissions for the moolah. $$$

Your commission will look like this. (full body, shaded, colored).
Unless you order otherwise. Less is cheaper.

Other examples.
tle="" href="http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2012/151/b/4/persona_by_uwibutt-d51thwn.png">[x]tle="" href="http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/132/4/2/4298eef431ffdf46578f425b91399c7e-d4ziex6.png">[x]tle="" href="http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/119/d/1/rawr__by_gradientwisp-d4xzsu2.png">[x]tle="" href="http://fc07.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2012/117/0/3/zeque_and_gruff_by_gradientwisp-d4xs8nh.png">[x]
tle="" href="http://uwibutt.deviantart.com/">My deviantart.

I will do quad only, sorry.
if you want anthro, I only do busts.
I don't like legs, really.

honestly, I'm a little on the expensive side. People tend to pay 10 mill or so per commission.
But I will take cs items and pure, maybe pets, depending.
A black shaefu offer will get you 80 million worth of art.
I am willing to haggle/draw something smaller for less, but I'm looking to draw more for more.

If interested, post or rmail me. Thanks. <3

Slots: (this was typed out of order)
1. Lakeore x2
2. brown12
3. Skypi
4. SilverNightMoon
5. Boonys13
6. Fallen
7. Kat


6:41pm Jun 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 189

7:01pm Jun 1 2012 (last edited on 7:02pm Jun 1 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 1,586
First of is my little Cato... an idea of mine that came from the Legend of Korra fire ferret idea. He is a water ferret and thus I would love to see little droplets of water floating around him in the pic if you can do this.

Next would be my fursona... or one of them :I


I would love to have her done in quad form. That is just nice... and I haven't had time to get one of those done for her yet

Lastly I need a whole new reference sheet for that little bat you saw in the first example of the dog one. Its supposed to be a bat... with mechanical wings because it can't fly otherwise. The wings are never exactly... done how I pictured it. They are supposed to be all high tech looking with gears and cogs and propulsion streams  :c and most people stink at that. But he is a fuzzy little gray bat. The one thing you can't see in the picture is that he always wears a tiny little feather. White... with a red tip. ^^

Do not talk to me or my snails ever again.

7:13pm Jun 1 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,432
Hello <3 I am curious, I do not have any references yet, but could you do a Cute child-ish/chibi style dragon with a verams style of calico? her eyes are Ice blue tho

and if you would like, you may look through my showroom and gallery for something you find interesting <3


9:24pm Jun 1 2012 (last edited on 10:30pm Jun 1 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 189
Sadly, nothing caught my eye in your showroom or gallery though.
If it did it was way over what my art is worth.

Ref you mean just a pic, or a full reference sheet?

12:26am Jun 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 3,934
I'd like to get two done if possible. First, I would love you to draw my tle="Fursona" target="_blank">fursona however you wish to draw her.
 And second, I've been wanting my fursona drawn with one of my favorite creatu/anime characters. 
Okay, so it's a male cream ebilia, but I want him to have a few characteristics of tle="Hitsugaya" target="_blank">Hitsugaya (ex. bang, eyes). Anyways, I want him to have the same facial ex
pression as the image, and have my fursona doing something that's either annoying him or hurting him. Which ever you decide to choose from. 
If you can only do one, I'd rather have the second done. And if you have any questions or do not wish to do it, please rmail me 'cause I lose threads all the time. Thanks.


5:59am Jun 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 577
Draw something from my thread? :D



6:02am Jun 3 2012

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
omgomgomgyay you're doing commissions.
could you do this guy for me please? ;o


his tail is supposed to be flat but you can't really tell in the picture, and all the gold points on his body can be a light neon blue if you want to change the colour.

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

7:00am Jun 3 2012


Posts: 3,217

Rmailed you


8:13pm Jun 3 2012 (last edited on 1:48pm Jun 4 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 189
I need you guys to tell me how much you're paying, if you haven't. I don't want to draw and not know what I'm working for. (just shoot me an rmail; I just want to know if people are actually paying in all pure!)


Also at this moment anyone after this post will have to wait for commissions.
I've got a full plate now.

1:03am Jun 21 2012


Posts: 3,217

Subscribeing :)


9:43pm Jun 23 2012

Normal User

Posts: 4,893
Lurking. o3o;

i’m such a gamer uwu
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