5:55am Jan 5 2020 (last edited on 6:27am Jan 5 2020)
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Posts: 350
As you leave the Enchanted Springs on Atquati with your creatu in tow, and walk across the beach, you notice a shack that you've never really paid much attention to before. A sign hangs on the front of the building that reads, "Fintastic Fish Store". Curious, and having nothing too pressing to do at the moment, you lead your still damp companion over and slowly creak open the old wooden door to step inside. Before you have much time to even look around the inside of the store, you're met with a gruff and deep, yet somewhat feminine voice. "If you're looking for lunch, this isn't that kind of a store!" Your attention is drawn to the source of the voice, an indigo mutant goiba standing behind a desk, her elbows resting on the top of it as she seems to stare through you with one set of eyes, and at your creatu with the second set.
You open your mouth to respond before you're cut off by the sound of fluttering wings and creaking floorboards. You turn your head to see a ginger tesuri approaching you, as he rushes out of a back room. "Don't mind Maggie!" He smiles, his voice much warmer and softer than his coworker's. "We've had a lot of people in lately looking for... a different kind of fish store. That's all. We sell pet fish here." He explains before shooting a sharp look over towards the counter. "That doesn't give us the right to judge new customers, now does it?"You notice the goiba, who had been called Maggie, roll at least one set of eyes, before turning her attention to a fish tank that was on the counter. The tesuri turns back to you with a large grin. "I'm Fynn. Fynn Fletcher! Go ahead and take a look around, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask me!" You nod your head a bit, a little overwhelmed by it all. Fynn gives a nod, continuing to grin awkwardly at you for a moment before it fades. He turns, rushing over and places his front paws on the desk. He leans in and grumbles something in an irritated tone, too quiet for you to really make out what he was saying to the other. Deciding not to get in the middle of whatever was happening, you leisurely make your way around the small store, looking in the tanks and smiling at the fish as they swim around. Before too long, you find yourself near the front counter, your attention caught by the tank sitting there. "Not for sale!" Maggie snaps. "Maggie!" Fynn huffs, before he offers you a smile. "This is Mr. Bubby." He explains proudly, motioning to the fish in the tank, allowing you to get closer and take a look. "He's... kind of our store mascot." Fynn explains. "He really isn't for sale, but you're welcome to feed him if you want!" The tesuri offers, before glancing around the store. "And I'd be happy to help you get set up for a new fish friend, if that's what you've decided." You watch Mr. Bubby contently swim circles in his tank, dropping in a few fish pellets under Fynn's direction as you think. Do you want to take home a new pet fish?

5:56am Jan 5 2020 (last edited on 11:47am Jan 7 2020)
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Fintastic Rules
A poster on the wall catches your attention for a moment. "Store Rules" is posted at the top in large, bold lettering. The rest of the document reads as follows...
1. No shoes, no shirt, it's fine. We're not wearing any either! 2. Fish are friends, NOT food. 3. You may only purchase one fish, every 48 hours, when available. 4. You may purchase three decorations, every 24 hours, when available. 5. Purchases of fish and items are first come, first served. 6. TU must be paid within 2 hours of claiming. 7. Fintastic Fish or Items that you own may NOT be sold for tu or other currencies, or be traded for Res items, or anything off site. 8. Fintastic Fish or Items that you own MAY be traded for other Fintastic Fish or Items, if both parties agree. BoredDragon must be notified of said trade via rmail in order to update the Owner's List. 8a. Fintastic Fish or Items may be traded for other adoptables on Res, with special permission from BoredDragon, and only if the other adoptable allows trading. 9. Fish and items may be gifted to other users, but only in the first 24 hours after purchase/win. 10. All fish sales are final, but fish that you no longer want may be returned to the fish store to be put up for adoption. 10a. Fish adoptions ARE free, but only people who do not yet OWN fish, can adopt one. 11. Items can be returned to the store at any time, for store credit. Tu will never be refunded. 12. Have fun, and be nice to everyone else visiting the fish store, or other fish owners. (Rules are subject to changes or additions at any time.)
After reading the rules, you note that rules 3 and 4 are likely to stop one person from clearing out their entire inventory, and giving more people a chance to bring home fish friends. As well, rule 6 is to stop people from trying to reserve fish or items that they don't currently have tu for and stall for time to get the tu, but also allowing leeway for people who get distracted or have spotty internet connections. Rule 9 is to try and stop people circumventing rule 7.
You figure that people caught breaking these rules, may be asked to leave the store, be refused a sale or banned from the store entirely. They may even be asked to return their fish, for worry that they wouldn't care for them properly.

5:56am Jan 5 2020 (last edited on 1:35pm Mar 16 2020)
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Fish Inventory
"Oh..." Maggie's interest is suddenly peaked and she makes her way around the counter. "You ARE interested in a new pet fish? Well, I guess I can help you. I know more about the fish and their care than Fynn does. He tries..." The goiba rolls her eyes. "But, I can help you pick out a new finned friend." For the first time since you arrived in the store, the goiba seems to crack a smile. "Here..." She turns and pulls a small paper booklet off a nearby shelf and hands it to you. "This is a good start." You look down at the book in your hand, reading the ti tle, "Fish Identification and Information Guide". Probably a good place to start if you want to know about the fish, including types, prices, what you need to get started and what comes with a fish when you purchase one. tle="" target="_blank">( Click here to read the Fish Identification and Information Guide. )"That'll get you started." Maggie nodded, before walking down the row of fish tanks with you. "Let's see... what do we currently have available...""Red Speckled" - sold
"Green Swirls" - 5 million tu  Maggie shrugs. "That's all that's for sale right now, what do you think?"
( If you want to purchase one of the available fish, post in the thread, stating which fish you want, then send the tu to BoredDragon. You can post the name you want for the fish in the thread, or you'll be contacted about it later. Please make sure you read the rules in the above post. )Suddenly Maggie grabs your arm. "Oh!" She drags you over to a tank in the corner, with the sign "For Adoption" above it. "I almost forgot." She sighs. "These little guys need homes! They've come back to the store for one reason or another, and we won't resell an aging fish that was in someone else's care for awhile... so they can be adopted. Free of charge, I guess." She huffs. "We only adopt out to people who are first time fish owners though, to give them a leg up, you know? Do you... have any fish at home?" She asks with a raised eyebrow, expecting you to answer honestly, though clearly a little weary of whether or not you will. No fish currently up for adoption.( If you want to adopt one of the above fish, if/when available, just post which one you'd like to adopt in the thread, with their new name. Remember, these fish can ONLY be adopted by people who don't have any fish adoptables yet. )

5:56am Jan 5 2020 (last edited on 3:48pm Jan 13 2020)
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Item Inventory
Fynn trots over, grinning widely. "Ohhh... all set up with a tank and fish? That's great!" He glances around the store before he smiles at you. "Maggie said I wasn't great with the fish, huh? I mean, I'm not bad with them! My REAL specialty though is decorations! You know... for your fish tank? Since you're all set up, why don't I show you what we've got kicking around!"The tesuri proudly leads you over to a shelf, first grabbing a book and holding it out to you. "Hm... this is our item catalogue by the way. May want to give it a quick browse. We don't really take orders so to speak... but we can try to get something in on the next shipment if you're interested in it." He shrugs, before tapping on the cover of the book. "At least if you know what possible stock we might have, you can save some room in your tank for it, right?"tle="" target="_blank">( Click here to read the Item Catalogue. )"Done browsing?" Fynn grins, before gesturing to some items on one of the shelves. "So, this is what we have in stock at the moment..." Pink Sand ( 4 in stock) - 500k tu each  Blue Sand ( 5 in stock) - 500k tu each  Orange Sand ( 5 in stock ) - 500k tu each  Red Fern ( 3 in stock ) - 1 million tu each  Green Fern ( 3 in stock ) - 1 million tu each  Blue Leafy ( 2 in stock ) - 1 million tu each  Yellow Leafy ( 3 in stock ) - 1 million tu each  Oak Wooden Bridge ( 1 in stock ) - 1 million tu each  Light Grey Stone Bridge ( 1 in stock ) - million tu each "Well... that's all we have right now, but we'll be getting some more stuff in... uh..." He furrows his brow as he thinks for a moment. "Any day now! I'm sure." He tilts his head, with an awkward smile, clearly not sure when the next stock of anything comes in.
( Items must be listed in stock on THIS post to be purchased. If you want to purchase one of the currently available inventory items, post in the thread and then send the tu to BoredDragon. Otherwise, feel free to wish and hope for items, and they may just pop up in the store soon. )

5:56am Jan 5 2020 (last edited on 2:57pm Jan 13 2020)
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Current Events
No events currently happening at this time.
5:56am Jan 5 2020 (last edited on 6:26am Jan 5 2020)
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Notice Board
As you start to head out of the store, you notice a cork board hung on the wall by the door. You stop a moment to look over what's posted there. It... seems to be ads? People seeking to trade fish or items. Interesting. You take a moment to look over the ads... There doesn't seem to be any ads here today.( If you're looking to trade a fish or items with someone else, you can post in thread or rmail BoredDragon to have them be listed here. )Hanging off the bottom of the cork board is a lamented list that's titled "Fish Owners in the Area". It seems to be a list of everyone who has gotten fish from the store! Hm... tle="" target="_blank">( Click here to take a look at the List of Fish Owners. ) Finally you notice a baggy of stickers beside the list. It says "take a few and spread the word". The stickers seem to be advertisements for the store and are free to take, and stick around Res.
( If you want to spread the word and help support the Fintastic Fish Store, you can use these images in your forums signature, on your profile, shop or pet pages, to link back to the store! Thanks for your support. )

5:56am Jan 5 2020 (last edited on 6:26am Jan 5 2020)
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Welcome to the Fintastic Fish Store! This is an adoptable art line. You do not have to engage in the roleplay-esque side of things if you choose not to, but you're also more than welcome to. Whatever your personal choices are.
6:27am Jan 5 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Everything is now ready. New fish are up for adoption, and items will be available to purchase in a few days.
6:32am Jan 5 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 347
Hello there ;p My ebilias and i were walking down the street when this store caught their attention !
They are most delighted !
For now, i'd like to order one Purple and Orange fish for my darling ebbie ! I'd also like a bag of pink coloured aqua sand, red coloured aqua fern, Oak Bridge and multiple eyes cave !
That would be 8.5 mil right ? <3
6:34am Jan 5 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Hm, I might have to change the page.... I was worried that would be confusing. You have to wait for items to be in stock in the store, and nothing is going to be in stock until later in the week.
What do you want to name the fish though?
6:36am Jan 5 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 347
Oh ! My bad >< So i get the fish and the tank first and later, when they're in stock, i can make additions to an existing tank ?
I'd like to name the fish Marty !
6:38am Jan 5 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Yes! Exactly! Also I've made some additions to the page and post to hopefully make it more clear. :)
6:46am Jan 5 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Maggie gives an actual smile for once. "Alright Death, Marty is all ready to go home with you. Take good care of him." Then she waves you off, as she goes back to hiding behind the counter.
Fish tank updated... 
6:48am Jan 5 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 347
IT IS GORGEOUS <3 Thank you ! I shall be back for decorations when they're available
12:06pm Jan 5 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 297
I love roleplay-
A girl and her adult indigo Zennie walk in. The girl introduces herself as Roo, and her creatu as Noopu. Noopu inspects the shop, looking down his snout at Maggie and Fynn. Roo admires the fish and studies the rules, before grinning and turning to Maggie. "May we enter the Grand Opening Raffle?" She asks. Noopu groans and rolls his eyes. "I hope we do not have to pay to enter the raffle- you've already spent all of our TU on these ridiculous 'adoptables.'" "Noopu!" Roo scolds. "If you bothered to read the Current Events poster, you would have seen that it's free!" She smiles apologetically at Maggie.
I am the queen of Zennies! Bow down to me or I will sic my army of natties on you!
12:20pm Jan 5 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 350
Maggie glares at the Zenirix. "Did you need help finding the door. It's right-"
Fynn waves his paws as he rushes over to her. "Hush, hush!" He sighs, shaking his head at the goiba. "Haven't you ever heard that the customer is always right?"
"But they're not. In fact, you'll find that they're wrong, MOST of the time." Maggie grunts.
"I'm dealing with the raffle, just let me-" Fynn started, before Maggie cut him off.
"Besides, they're not customers if they haven't BOUGHT anything. Why are you giving stuff away for free?" Maggie huffed, crossing her arms.
Fynn took a deep breath, letting it out slowly and forced a fake smile. "We will talk about this... later." He ruffled his wings before pulling a book of tickets out of a drawer behind the counter and handed one to Roo. "Thank you for your interest." He leaned in, whispering, "Sorry about Maggie." Before he stood back with a wink. "You'll be contacted if you win anything!"
12:38pm Jan 5 2020 (last edited on 12:40pm Jan 5 2020)
Normal User 
Posts: 297
Roo nervously looks back and forth between the two, finally shooting a grateful look at Fynn. "I apologize for Noopu's awful manners," she says with a pointed glare at him. "He thinks he's better than everyone. I'll give him a stern talking-to at home. I am SO sorry." She yanks him out, and as soon as they are outside, begins to yell at him. "What is wrong with you? We've been kicked out of FIVE stores already because you have to go and be super rude to everyone! Do you know how embarrassing you are! We are going home- right now!" She storms off.
I am the queen of Zennies! Bow down to me or I will sic my army of natties on you!
3:58pm Jan 8 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 350
The store has received it's first shipment of tank decorations. Mind the rules, you may only purchase 3 decorations per a 24 hour period.
Also, there's still a few days to get tickets to the free raffle.
6:28pm Jan 8 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 297
The next day, Roo returns, this time without Noopu. She turns and smiles brightly at Fynn. "I was walking by, and I saw the sign on the door. You know, the one that says new décor items are in stock? I decided I'd come in and see them." She hurries to the shelves and reads the price tags. "Hmm," she says, "I don't think I have the TU for the decorations that I wanted. Oh well, maybe I'll come back later." She waves at Fynn and Maggie, then leaves.
I am the queen of Zennies! Bow down to me or I will sic my army of natties on you!
9:48pm Jan 8 2020
Normal User 
Posts: 347
One pink sand, one blue leafy and one oak wooden bridge please