Three's A Crowd (Contest)

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7:18pm Feb 25 2011 (last edited on 10:38am Mar 5 2011)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Choo le na!

I've got three characters that I'd love art for~


Intent To Kill.
Gender Unknown.

I'll have to upload a picture for this one as I'm not sure how to describe it. XD




Golden dragon. Two back legs only. Long whip-like tail. Black ankh on chest. Silver eyes rimmed in black, similar to kohl. Skin on wings is greenish-gold.



Gryphon. Light blue head, fading to red body and green underbelly fur. Brown eyes rimmed in red feathers. Yellow orange beak and front legs. Wings are pink at the tips fading to olive green. Navy blue spot between wings. Tail is long and tapered at the end with navy feathers drooping off.


First for all only. X3 No second or nothin.
So, you win, you get your choice of two pets from any showroom category but "Family" and "Cs/Seasonal/Quest". ;) One prize per character, plus one if people do a group comission.

Eeno (?)


9:08pm Feb 26 2011

Normal User

Posts: 24

Adopt one today! <--Click and I love :)

9:10pm Feb 26 2011

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Posts: 17,364

FFFFFF. Ra's not a Dragon> >:U

...He's a Wyvern.

xDD Random-ness~


12:22pm Feb 27 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135


Totally knew that.



12:52am Feb 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 103
Sizes relative to each other? Realistic or anthro?

10:25am Mar 5 2011 (last edited on 10:30am Mar 5 2011)

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Doesn't matter to me what style you draw them in. :) I'll take anthro, realistic, anime, chibi, abstract, etc.

You can also draw them grouped together or single. XD It doesn't matter. I'm giving first prize to all; group, Ra, Alice, and Chernobyl.


Ra is about six foot in height, twelve in length.
 Alice is four foot, seven foot.

And I changed ITK's name (using it on something else, lol. :( ) and I'm going to attempt a deion;

Chernobyl is long, with a seven foot tail (altogether it's about tweleve feet long), but it's short, only being about four foot at the shoulder.

It's based somewhat on an oriental dragon. The main fur color is kinda steel blue, with the mane being navy and underbelly silver. It has four horns; two long ones on top of the head, two more (one on each side) right beneath them.

The legs are long and thin (think fat-ish Ivik legs, lol). The four fingers are long and bony as well, and are human-like, with one finger being a thumb. The back legs end in four claws as well, with the outside toes being spread out a little to the sides and the two middle ones pointing forward and being closer together.

Chernobyl's tail, besides being long, has an extension of the mane going to about a quarter of the way down. From then on, the tail has golden rings, about six, spaced evenly down to the tip, which has that tuft of fur. The rings are gold in color, with faint orange swirls all up in 'em (think tortoise shell, only a bit more diluted.) All four legs also have these rings, placed close down to the actual feet/paws/claws whatever you call them.

It's head is long, like a horses but shaped like a raptor (dino raptor, not eagles, lol). The eyes are blue-gold and have a white triangle marking that points down and curves towards the nose slightly. It also has large, rabbit shaped ears which flop down beside the head (between the first and second sets of horns). Both ears are nicked. The mane also changes slightly. Behind the first horns on the right side the tips of the mane are red and orange. Between sets one and two it's yellow, the on the forehead it's green, then blue, then indigo and purple.

The markings on Chernobyl's body are rather simple. White arrows seem to sprout from it's mane and travel down the legs, stopping at the elbows/knees. (It's one big arrow per leg). On the head between the eyes and running down is another which stops at the nose, and one more on each side of the face, stopping right before they touch the eyes.

The nose is like a rabbits, simply a v-shape with two lines hanging from the ends. The mouth is full of sharp white teeth and a pointed dark purple tongue.

I think I got it... Any questions, let me know. :)


2:44am Mar 7 2011

Normal User

Posts: 275

-Pushes thread-



Free bump for you. :3


6:32am Mar 10 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Thanks Lunch <3


9:47am Mar 11 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135


1:24am Mar 12 2011

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Up-up once more before bed. :D


9:56pm Mar 12 2011

Normal User

Posts: 473
bump <3

HEIL XESPA Pterodragon Egg on Dragonadopters
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