Where is the art?

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11:58am Mar 28 2014 (last edited on 4:33pm Mar 28 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 777
Hi there guys. It's been a while since I have been able to get some good creatu art commissioned and the way it's going pretty soon I'm going to have to start reusing stuff for profiles. Which means its time I sought you artists out


1. Images must be with a transparent background
2. Looking mostly for digital art though high quality traditional art might be accepted
 photo abbolishrocks_zps09b45cde.png

3. Looking for creatu art mostly but depending on creatu may also accept anthros/gijinkas.
4. Please post examples here and state which you are interested in drawing. Ideally with prices


11:58am Mar 28 2014 (last edited on 12:12pm Mar 28 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 777
Stuff I want art for

albino adulttle="albino adult" height="118" width="118"> black adulttle="black adult" height="126" width="126">

natural adulttle="natural adult" height="122" width="122"> albino adulttle="albino adult" height="134" width="134">


11:59am Mar 28 2014

Normal User

Posts: 777
Additional Stuff


4:35pm Mar 28 2014

Content Manager

Posts: 3,135
Yes hello is this where I can flaunt some shoddy art
I can draw hooves and paws but I'm not so great at fins. :o 

Also these are on lined/yellow paper yours will not! :D


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