Will do art for stuff |:

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7:24pm Oct 20 2010 (last edited on 6:40pm Oct 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 540
Yes. You know how it works.
You need art and I need stuff so let's do something about it.
 I'll do art for you if you give me your stuff :U
 BUT. I'm picky.
There's no guarantee that I'll draw for you if you post on this board.
What you have to do is simple:
Post all the information you think I'd need about the picture you want me to draw for you and tell me what you'd be willing to pay for it.
You may post as many times as you feel like and ask for as many different pictures as you want.
There are no slots and no waiting list.
I'll just pick whatever I feel like drawing and I'll complete them in any order I feel like so if you don't like it then go somewhere else.
You probably want examples, right?
you can find them here:
 As payment, I'll take:
-Name Tags
-Natural Colored Jelly Beans
-Dye Kits (lemon or amber preferred)
-Pure TU
-Maaaaybe some pets (try me)
-Seasonal eggs
-Combinations of the above.
My art doesn't have a price. You price it. And I don't really care as long as you're not totally ripping me off.
What I need to know:
-What do you want me to draw?
-What does it look like?
-Got a reference picture?
-What's their personality like?
-Do you have any pose ideas?
-Anything else I should take into account?
 AngelKiss - Nistashia [x] - Paid
Hiara - Tovarisch [x] - Unpaid
So yeah. I don't know if I have anything else to say.
So I'll just edit this if I think of anything.
kthxbai ♥♥


8:10pm Oct 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 491


could I get you to do Nistashia? 


she likes to bake, if you want to do something with that.

I'll pay you 400k+? 


11:03pm Oct 20 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1,597

Draw my wolf-like thingy?

He looks like a large wolf and has black fur, with some dark red fur here and there. His eyes are golden and across his right eye is a slash scar. Black bat-like wings come out of his shoulder blades/shoulders, and there is one tear in his right wing. His claws are dark silver, and he has two short horns coming out on his head, between his ears, and they're dark silver as well.

Also, he has a black-feathered raven that follows him around so could you find a place to put the raven in the picture? Like on his shoulder or beside him on the ground.

Just so you know, he's pretty mean and prefers to be alone. And if possible could you make him in a sitting position?

Um, will you take 600k - 900k?


6:19am Oct 21 2010

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Posts: 1,299


You know I'm not going to turn down a chance at your purdiful art! 8'D

Subject: Tovarisch the silver Teenaged Uilus

Deion: Tovi is a very amiable Uilus, very easy to get along with. But he rarely talks, and when he does, he rambles in a alnguage none of my other pets can understand (Russian, cause all of my pets are English-speaking chauvinists and don't bother to learn other languages. xD) He usually wears an ushanka like this one, because his home is very cold~ And has a badge ike this pinned to the left side of his chest.<3

Other:I could pay, like, 1mil. o3o <3


8:39pm Oct 21 2010

Normal User

Posts: 540

Alright, Nistashia's picture is done: [x]


8:54pm Oct 21 2010

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Posts: 4,914

Angel's gunna love eeeet <3 

Flashbacks, warm nights,
Almost left behind.
Suitcases of memories,
Time after time.


8:55pm Oct 21 2010

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Posts: 2,648
Yea...it's so cute.

8:57pm Oct 21 2010

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Posts: 540
Thank you guys (:


9:08pm Oct 21 2010

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Posts: 2,648
You're welcome.

5:26am Oct 22 2010

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Posts: 1,792
if the egger you gave me hatches male and I get that other iluvu I'll have the perfect picture for you to draw :) would you take a blonde zaphao named Powerstriker and a silver zaphao named Kyrptonite (spelled wrong) for the drawing?


12:38pm Oct 22 2010 (last edited on 12:41pm Oct 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 336


  I love how you do Otachie, I was wondering how well you could do an Ebi, are you able to draw them ?

Edit: An teens I mean, sorry almost forgot that part.

My Dream Banner made by Reeses

6:52pm Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 540

Shao- good luck with the hatch (: though I'm not really interested in those pets ^^; not the biggest Zaphao fan. Sorry.


dreamer- I could try teen ebilia, no problem (: I'd avoid the adult one but teen is ok :3


9:03pm Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 336


  Okay, I don't have a lot of tu~ unless stocks go up then I'll have some. What types of pets interest you ?

  Lol, I don't blame you for avoiding the adult~ I would too~ personally I don't care for that age xD

My Dream Banner made by Reeses

9:29pm Oct 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 491

Oh god Makah that is simply adorableee oAo

thankss <3 


8:06pm Oct 23 2010 (last edited on 8:06pm Oct 23 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 1,446

Could I get you to draw Cielenvoye?

She's a hooman... And you can draw her a) in her easero-human form, b) pokeman-human form or c) plain ol' human form. <= not as exciting as the other two :U

Easero-human: Playful and distracted, she's portrayed as a 12 year old girl. Her easero fluff-things on her head are shown as a headband. It's a smexy headband by the way. Her skin is... how shall I put it? Shiny? Metallic? Glowy? Uh no. Probably... no. It's like her skin got infused with radioactivity. And glows. She's a literal nightlight. But silver instead of green XD. Her eyes are orangey-yellow, and she plays the flute. It's a cool flute. Because it is.. ORANGE. Major ADD dude, major ADD. She likes wearing pretty little girl clothing 8D

Pokemanz human: She's (surprisingly) an umbreon. Who (not so surprisingly) stole head feathers from some Pidgey's, got her little paws on some duct tape, and taped it on her little head. Obviously, she's a baby-ish umbreon, so keep her 12 year old age the same. Hair's black, though give it little lights in it to look like it's sorta... silvery in some places? She has the typical umbreon forehead markings and stuff, and her sweatshirt is black. Sleeves also with the marking. It glows. This time, her skin doesn't glow. (Sad) 

Hooman: 12 year old girl. Black hair with silver streaks (NOT GRAY U:<). Silver clothing. Silver eyes. Tuft of hair sticking up. How boring :C 

No references, sorry

Personality: Bubbly, distracted, major ADD, easily bribed, far too trusting, believes that everyone is a good person, Bambi is her role model (baby bambi :3), pretends to be like Disney princess' where everything has a happily ever after. She's a very misguided child. And stubborn.

Pose: Anything that imitates her odd behavior/personality. In other words... ADD. Think ADD.

Anything else: ..... Rmail me when you're done? I often lose threads and stuff XD

PAYMENT: Can I discuss with you after you finish? I'm thinking maybe 1-2 mil, with the complexity....  


2:32pm Oct 24 2010

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Posts: 9,641
Can I have some arts? I dimly remember asking for a commission a while ago. ::riffles through sent r-mails:: Ah...yep. I did. o__o Iunno what you did with that one but I can post the thing here again if you wish.


10:23am Oct 28 2010 (last edited on 4:25pm Oct 28 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 540

Repost it if you want Det :3 I'm sorry, I lost the Rmail xD;;


dreamers- what do you have to offer? (:


5:10pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 336
Hmm, well I do have an unnamed blonde Gondra, but I've got a bit of tu now also~ but I'm not sure how much to offer for a piece of art, oh yeah, do you do backgrounds at all or no ?

My Dream Banner made by Reeses

5:24pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 540

Not really interested in the gondra, sorry ^^; and I don't really care a lot for the price as long as I get paid and it's not a total ripoff xP
And no, I don't really like doing backgrounds :c


6:46pm Oct 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 540
Alright guys I really really need two nametags asap so if you offer to pay with them you'll most probably get me there =u=

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