I'm starting to collect squishes again, and there's a few I need...
*=need Desp.
20k Squishy *
A Alphabet Squishy *
Achromatic Vogar Squishy *
Ahea Egg Squishy *
Aerix Egg Squishy
Albino Aerix squishy
Albino Aukira Squishy *
Albino Chimby Squishy *
Albino Draqua Squishy *
Albino Easero Squishy *
Albino Galta Squishy
Albino Goiba Squishy *
Albino Ivik Squishy
Albino Kioka Squishy
Albino Kurrabi Squishy *
Albino Liyure Squishy
Albino Murren Squishy *
Albino Myotis Squishy *
Albino Narwi Squishy *
Albino Omni Squishy
Albino Quelis Squishy *
Albino Tesuri Squishy *
Albino Uilus Squishy *
Albino Vaspi Squishy *
Albino Vogar Squishy *
Albino Wyrae Squishy
Alfonso Fireworks Squishy *
Alien Zaphao Squishy
Amber Ahea Squishy
Amber Ardur Squishy
Amber Aukira Squishy
Amber Berrok Squishy
Amber Chimby Squishy
Amber Drindian Squishy
Amber Dye Kit Squishy
Amber Easero Squishy
Amber Ebilia Squishy
Amber Galta Squishy
Amber Goiba Squishy
Amber Gondra Squishy
Amber Iluvu Squishy
Amber Intes Squishy
Amber Ivik Squishy
Amber Jaaku Squishy
Amber Kayoki Squishy
Amber Kurrabi Squishy
Amber Leverene Squishy
-Will post more A's when I have gotten the ones above^^-
Let me know if you have any for sale, and we can work up a price ;D