Buying Derp Day Hatches and Derp Pets

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8:04pm Mar 23 2016 (last edited on 2:24am Apr 2 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 392
For those who don't already know, I freakin' love derps. :D My ultimate goal is to have one of every species, but so far I only have wyrae, draqua, kurrabi, and easero.

I unfortunately am probably not going to get much of a chance to get on April 1 or 2 as I'll be traveling, but I'm really excited for Derp Days. So, as of now I'm offering:

7 mil
per hatch I can reserve, or for a derp pet I don't have but want. 

If you let me reserve one or more hatches in advance, I'll send the egg(s) and tu on March 31. Name the derp(s) anything at all and send them to me, please.

P.S. - I'm also planning on hatching my Kioka and Ivik eggs that day, and I'll probably need someone to hatch those for me. c;

abell45 - 1 egg (zenirix) - CONFIRMED [PAID 7 m]
Loki - 3 eggs (kayoki, roditore, ivik) - CONFIRMED [PAID 21 m]
Bat - 6 eggs (jaaku, berrok, meragon, drindian, ebilia, gondra) - CONFIRMED [PAID 42 m]
Ichimatsu - 3 eggs (vaspi, ahea, jahra) - CONFIRMED [PAID 21 m]
tayloi - 6 eggs (tesuri, aukira, drachid, chimby, ardur, goiba) - CONFIRMED [PAID 42 m]
BarrelGirl95 - 5 eggs (iluvu, kayoki, murren, otachie, myotis) - CONFIRMED [PAID 35 m]
JacetheBass02 - 2 eggs (leverene, ebilia) - CONFIRMED [PAID 14 m]
Geonightrose - 6 eggs (quelis, mirabilis, valabex, skaldyr, vogar, sirleon) - CONFIRMED [PAID 42 m]
TheUltimateHorseLover - 5 eggs (jaaku, malal, meragon, narwi, zaphao) - CONFIRMED [PAID 35 m]
Judge - 5 eggs (shaefu, liyure, meiko, veram, uilus) - CONFIRMED [PAID 35 m]
Pipsqueak - 6 eggs (kioka, leverene, easero, meragon, paor, intes) - CONFIRMED [PAID 42 m]
ZebraSan - 5 eggs (aukira, iluvu, veram, murren, tesuri) - CONFIRMED [PAID 35 m]

Notice: Please let me know ASAP if any of the hatches fail, and what species the egg was.


12:25pm Mar 24 2016

Normal User

Posts: 216
U can have two hatches for your kioka and ivik if u want


8:10pm Mar 25 2016

Normal User

Posts: 422
I can sell you my april 2nd hatches :)


8:11pm Mar 25 2016

Normal User

Posts: 237
I can sell you 6 hatches for both days?


8:42pm Mar 25 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,956
i can sell you 3 of my hatches for april 1~


9:58pm Mar 25 2016

Normal User

Posts: 48
I can sell you all 6 hatches for both days ^^


11:35pm Mar 25 2016

Normal User

Posts: 209
I'll give my April 1st one


2:43am Mar 28 2016 (last edited on 2:04am Mar 30 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 105
You can have 5 of my six hatches :)

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12:09pm Mar 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 783
Hi Heybay!

You are welcome to 5 of my 6 hatches as well.

12:09pm Mar 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 37
I have all 6 hatches available. I don't want any derps myself

6:55pm Mar 29 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,707
unnamed derp sepia meiko in my graveyard

Selling RWN/RN and haggling! Check my rancher

4:30am Mar 31 2016

Normal User

Posts: 392
Hey all!
Thanks so much for letting me reserve your hatches. I've just sent out the vast majority of eggs. Please check to make sure you've received the ones you were meant to receive. ^^


5:01am Mar 31 2016

Normal User

Posts: 392
ONE LAST NOTICE: Please let me know ASAP if any of the eggs fail so I can try to hatch another of that kind. Thanks all! :D


8:15am Mar 31 2016

Normal User

Posts: 19
I can sell you two of my hatches for the 1st and all three hatches for the 2nd.  :)

10:23pm Apr 1 2016

Normal User

Posts: 333
I have some derp creatu in my shop if you want to take a look. Definitely willing to haggle. 

 photo liyu.png
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