I don't pop on Rescreatu quite as often lately, and I'm looking to trade off some of my currency for other pet sites. I am primarily looking for Pokefarm Q, but I will also consider offers for Chickensmoothie and Flightrising.
I will update my Res currencies as I get more, and may even offer RC as well in the future. ^^
Please note that I am not interested in pets on any of these sites, just the currencies.
*** Rescreatu - Pokefarm Q
The smallest amount you can pay for in Zophan Canisters is 1.62 USD, so for the sake of simplicity, I will go to the next one up and round it to 2.00 USD for the ratio.
20 CP | 40mil TU = 129ZC - 645GP - 645k Credits
** Rescreatu - Chickensmoothie
The smallest amount you can pay on Chickensmoothie is also 5 dollars, so we will go with the ratio of
50 CP = 80C$
* Rescreatu - Flightrising
As for Flightrising, the smallest amount you can pay is 500 gems for 5 dollars, so we will go with the ratio of
50 CP | 100mil TU = 500 Gems
Current TU & CP Amount up for Trade:
Restocking TU!