Kir Is Evil (aka I want a cyancu creatu egg and Kir is a meanie >< )

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8:19am Oct 19 2016 (last edited on 10:02am Oct 19 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 244
So I need some help with my Kir quests~

Items - stardust, pet quest tokens, and so much more!
Hatches - 3x a day for 150k (free for seasonal, CS, and cyancu or other uldavian eggs)
Pets - See my rancher or the "For Sale/Trading" section of my showroom

Ginger Vaspi - no more than about 5m-ish open to trading or just in pure

Any help is appreciated!  Good luck and if I can help you in return, please let me know!

These wonderful banners were made by cj40 :3 Thank you ^^

9:19am Oct 19 2016

Normal User

Posts: 583
I have a ginger vaspi I can sell you for 12m.(:
RM me if interested.

Why yes, I AM an elderscroll addict!
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