LF: Myotis! (Cream + Albino)

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3:46pm May 14 2020

Normal User

Posts: 17
Hey all!

I'm currently seeking a Cream Myotis for K1R807's quest and also an Albino Myotis for Kir's Quest!
I'm not absolutely loaded with TU i'm afraid but I'm will to offer up to 2mil TU + items/eggs/creatu trades for the Albino Myotis.
For the Cream Myotis I'd be happy to do a creatu trade or pay the 10k TU i'd be getting for the quest ^-^

Please excuse the user name I made this account when I was 10 and I am sadly much older now ;v;\r\n\r\nFind me on DeviantArt! - https://www.deviantart.com/wildly-unaware\r\n\r\nAlways in search of Paor, Mirabilis, Easero and Malal eggs <3

4:34pm Jun 17 2020

Normal User

Posts: 558
hi, i can trade ua cream myotis for a cream leverene (im stuck on that for the 6th time) if u have one

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