Natural - 750K
Amber - 2.5mil
Azure - 4mil
Lemon - 4mil
Indigo - 6mil
Rose - 8.5mil
Lime - 4.5mil
Magenta - 3.5mil
Orchid - 3mil
Amber - 2.5mil
I'm buying them all, so if you send the pet, I'll send the tu as soon as I can!
Update: As of June 6th, I am a broke boi and want to start saving up tu. In order to do so, I'm going to put this goal on pause.
That being said, if you happen to have a boatload of mutant draqs, I might be able to pay in my time and cruddy art skills for some of these precious bois
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Also buying mutant Draqua squishies, 50K each
(And maybe any other Draqua squishies, hmu <3)