Well, this isn't in the commissions forum, so don't try to commission me. I've been a member for less than a month, and as far as I can tell, I'm doing quite well. When I joined, many members made it seem like ranching was the best option, but I have to disagree. Of course, ranching would be great if you wanted hordes of creatu. From an economic standpoint, though, as a merchant there is less competition and, presumably, less creatu to feed. That's how I saw it as I read through some online Rescreatu guides, and most of the basic concepts of user shop-keeping have carried over from another smaller site I've played on. I think I've also fared nicely in my egg-hunting; I've probably made over 200,000 tu in egg sales alone. However, it also pays off to be somewhat learned in graphics and coding, which is what I was getting at with my rambling.
I have made a small amount of tu by selling banners. In my spare time I also coded and made graphics for my profile. A user who appeared to be quite experienced told me that the placement code by the banned user Snarf was available for use, and while she admitted that most users did not credit Snarf (she was one of the few who did), I was very glad that I had come across the code. It proved very useful in my profile. That was the ONLY thing that I did NOT code. Everything else is coded by me and I owe very much to w3schools.
SO TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! I want your honest opinions; you know that you're going to judge my profile either way, as anyone would, but I want to hear your thoughts. (: I'm not afraid of the truth.