8:36pm Jan 14 2014 (last edited on 12:14am Jan 15 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 266
So then. *Awkward pause*
Two days ago, I started trying my hand at digital art, because I got some pretty good software. ;W; I'm hoping to upload every time I draw something new. >__< If you have a request, go ahead and ask me, I might be able to draw it for you!
Criticism is encouraged. Especially if it's mean and to the point!
SB ad: [url=http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/arts/artgen/-gulps-m-my-art-/~page/1/] Do you like to shout? If so, come and shout at my art!
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
8:38pm Jan 14 2014 (last edited on 8:38pm Jan 14 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 266

My entry for an art contest. >M<
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
8:42pm Jan 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 381
Hey tara your arts so cute omg my arts like blurgh. I think the only criticism i could make would be working onm aking your lines a bit cleaner? apart from that 10/10
8:58pm Jan 14 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 266
I see what you mean about the lines, thank you! UwU
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
12:09am Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 1
This looks nice! I agree, work on cleaning up your lines (that will come with practice) and then start focusing on the finished product, like adding depth and shading. But you obviously have a good base. Keep up the good work. :)
12:13am Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 945
Beautiful work! Vanna will be very pleased I'd imagine. Aside from lines, I think adding some values/shading would make it a lil better. ^^ some shadows maybe, to make things pop out more and seems more 3D.
12:19am Jan 15 2014 (last edited on 12:20am Jan 15 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 266
Thank you both! ;V;
Merlin, there's the tiniest of shadows, but you have to look pretty close to see them. >3< I have absolutely no idea how to shade. :D Hurr hurr hurr.
Would anyone be interested if I were to auction these two off? ;U;
They'd both start off at 500k and autobuy would be 5mil. (Unrealistic price mwahahaha)
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
3:26pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 1,105
they look like shell-less snails mixed with birds and sea horses, the criticism i have on them is the underneath part is very flat and has a strange bump type thing going on, you need to round it better for a better look but you will pick up good tips for that kinda thing later on anyway =3
3:30pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 266
Thank you! I actually have fixed the problem you're talking about, this is the old version of it, which I unfortunately cannot update. UmU
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
3:34pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 1,105
why cant u update it? are u unable to upload the pictures or something?
3:41pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 266
Because the file for both of them was saved as a jpeg, which merges all of the layers together and gives it a white background. >M< You're an artist yourself, so I'm sure you know what that means... >3<
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
5:41pm Jan 15 2014 (last edited on 7:39pm Jan 15 2014)
Normal User 
Posts: 266
This still isn't finished, but seeing the progress of something is always fun. ;v;
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
7:20pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 945
On this I would recommend making the blood a bit darker. The PA blood for example is a good thing to look at. Instead of using oranges and yellows, try dark reds. And on the horns, don't make all the blood splatters round dots. Try shaping more like a water drop, and maybe have some dripping from the horn itself. Also making the claws have the shape of human fingers when curled would be a good idea. The whispy things coming from the creature itself would look cool faded and blurred, and not all in one line. The tongue, also, when you go towards the end, make it thinner, but just a little.
I realize that you ain't finished yet, and I can't wait until you do! And I'm sorry if I come across mean or ignorant :)
8:01pm Jan 15 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 266
Thanks for your feedback! Don't worry, it doesn't being mean or ignorant at all! ( ´ ▽ ` )ノ
Unfortunately, everything but one of your recommendations are actually intentional, I'm sorry! >M<
It's really interesting to see your thoughts, and I really hope you continue to share them with me! (。◝‿◜。)
Beautiful art by Kaemaez! <3
10:06am Mar 30 2014
Normal User 
Posts: 573
just an idea: try adding more shading and for the blood don't be afraid to use brighter red!
hope this helped.
2:29pm Mar 30 2014
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Posts: 4,093
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Dustfeather -> Sparrow -> Universe