oohmy,thats rather swamped indeed :c
As Karma went on and touched on a few times,the best way to go about designs is to think of it as if it was a real creature.Making it more natural and realistic is always a good way.
The thing that speaks to me as really swarming the design are all the spikes and the flames are a bit distracting.
I agree about keeping the spikes along the spine and everything.maybe some ontop of its head or the sides,but not making them take away too much from the actual thing that matters when it comes to the face,which are usually the eyes and teh mouth.
With these kind of revamps where the design is really complex,its best to first figure out the main thing about the creature and what exactly you want to convey.
Is it the robotic aspect or the spikes or the elemtal flames?The different accesories?Based on that,to keep the balance,you need to choose on what to take off the dragon.
The best would be to maybe do a sketch of just the body stripped of all the add-ons and then lightly sketch them on la
yer by la
yer to see how far will be too far.
I also notice its ribs are showing xD Which for a huge creature that also wants t oachieve flight is near impossible,especially if its the chest.Thats where most of the muscle to get the wings up are.So the creature should really be more muscular.
So really less is more :D
maybe focus on the body of the dragon itself and for now just ignore all the fancy crap.