Blazed's best work. Price me?

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9:06am Nov 6 2011

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Posts: 2,049

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

12:50pm Nov 7 2011

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Posts: 2,194

omg. Are you freakin' kiiding me?
Those traditional sketches are simply amazing!!!!
Congrats <333


7:38pm Nov 8 2011

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Posts: 244
Oh... My... Lord... *jealous* You are simply amazing Luke XD I love them :D *wants*

*subscribes to thread* That makes me feel great. Good luck, you are so good. How long you been drawing for? O.o

These wonderful banners were made by cj40 :3 Thank you ^^

7:40pm Nov 8 2011

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Posts: 2,049
thank you jessie <3
I've been taking art classes for 10 years now. I started doing digital art about 6 months ago ^^

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

7:52pm Nov 8 2011

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Posts: 244
Welcome wow you are dedicated huh :D looks great Luke :D I have many artistic friends lol CX

These wonderful banners were made by cj40 :3 Thank you ^^

9:32pm Nov 10 2011

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Posts: 2,049

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

7:42am Nov 11 2011

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Posts: 2,836
* Faints and gets back up *

WOW. THIS IS AWESOME! REALLY GREAT. NO WORDS  TO DESCRIBE HOW GREAT IT IS! You can see where the lite source is, and its great! I'm not the best at drawing O.o


8:47am Nov 11 2011

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Posts: 244
That's really good Luke :D I drew a dragon today :D

These wonderful banners were made by cj40 :3 Thank you ^^

4:40pm Dec 3 2011 (last edited on 4:49pm Dec 3 2011)

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Posts: 322
Hmm, I have a few problems with the first horse. =/
First of all, it's head. I find that, the neck is slightly too small and, compared to the rest of the horse, it's 'flat.' I think the... long bit of its face (*doesn't know how to describe it*) almost looks as if it is twisting away from the rest of the head. What could make it better, is if you shaded the picture. If you followed the shapes and 'bumps' of a horse, it will help you picture alot. Here's a picture to show you how a horse's face looks from that perspective: 
I also has a slight problem with the front legs. They look 'static' compared to the hind legs. I think they would look either more tucked under or stretched out. 
Sorry if I am being a bit vague. =/ 
However, your eye is brilliant!


9:09am Dec 13 2011

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Posts: 10
I like them very much Blazed! I love your horses. :) You are really good dude! ;)

2:29pm Dec 17 2011 (last edited on 2:30pm Dec 17 2011)

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Posts: 1,651

For the horse sketches:
I think the neck is slightly too short. I know some breeds, like the Lippizaner:

It's neck isn't all that big. Wait, that also may be bred with a halfbreed or different breed, but I think it's purebred. But then look at the Arab, where it's neck is stunning, as the rest of it:

Is absolutely huge neck. But, I'm not sure what breed of horse you were refering to, or if you refering to one at all, just that the neck seems slightly small.

I am online..

9:50am Jan 17 2012

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Posts: 59
I would 5m+ for any of the last three. Could you price one of mine that I just finished?
[IMG][/IMG]\r\nThanks to OmenaApple.

7:06pm Jan 17 2012

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Posts: 2,049
rose; 1 mil? i'd say it looks better without the background though. and thanks :3

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->
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