Aww, be easy on her guys ;D She's probably young, and I find it nice that she's creating her own characters. And I actually get a decent image of the two in my mind. Don't worry, Spike, I am a terrible speller myself ^_^ As long as people get what you're trying to say (Or type, for that matter.)
However, I do agree with the fact that your characters aren't believable. Ninety pounds can seem a lot when you are young (Sorry if you're older, I have a tendancy to make assumptions) and weigh very little, I know. But I myself am fifteen years old, and I weight over a hundred pounds, standing at about five foot three.
And two- forty is quite a bit for someone who is only five four. They should be rather hard to push around, especially by someone less than half their weight.
Other than that, they're not that bad of characters ;D