LOOKIT! Teh Ty's best drawings EVA!

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11:31am Oct 29 2011

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Posts: 3,809

Liek. Seriously. These are the best drawings I have ever done. Probably because they're based ENTIRELY off of photos found on google images. |D Like, if you look up what I looked up, you'll see the exact same images. |D Hence why all mah commishes aren't nearly as good as this. :I [yet]. Both took a couple of hours each. I lose track of time when drawing. |D


Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

12:43pm Oct 29 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
They're really good c: I like how you do fur/muscles/joints c:

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

1:34pm Oct 29 2011

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Posts: 3,809

WHEE! -jumps onto Blazes black- Go pony, go! =D

Thankies much. :D I feel all happy now. :'D

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

11:07am Oct 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 322
That horse 8O
Really good shading =]
And the puppy! *snuggles* It be MINE NAOWS!


10:41pm Oct 30 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,809
D'aww, thankies so much! =D -huggles- Puppy be mine, but you can play with him. xD

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

3:18pm Nov 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 243
I like these pictures A LOT, especially the horse - the joints are really nice-
but.. I'll make a suggestion. When drawing on paper and shading with soft pencils, I suggest sticking a piece of paper (scrap paper mind you) on the places you typically place your hand, elbow, whatever. That'll minimize the smudging, and keep the rest of your paper looking nice and clean. You could also do what I do, and wear long sleeves and put on those cheap, flimsy, plastic gloves you the CSI people wearing all the time XD

Also, I can't tell from my computer, but it seems like you're shading it only with pencils. Might I suggest, for a softer and smoother look, for a smudger? They cost about a dollar for a pack of 4, different sizes. A Q-tip works just as well too, if you don't want to drive and buy one.

4:23pm Nov 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,809

Oooooh, thank you so much for the comments! Heh, smudging on the page is one of my downfalls. ^^" Thanks for the tip, I'mma wear CSI gloves from here on out. This'll make art class fun. xD

And, yeah, I am only using pencils. And have no idea what a smudger is. |D Also, from the 'dollar' bit, I reckon you're in America, and as I'm in Ireland, some of the wording may be a little different. :3 Do you mind my asking, exactly how you would use a smudger/Q tip? o.o

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

5:42pm Nov 1 2011 (last edited on 5:46pm Nov 1 2011)

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Posts: 3,642
Personally, I'd actually advise against relying on a blending tool or smudger or whatever. xD It can often make things look.. off. 'Unintentional' is usually the word that pops into my head. A lot of times when reading through art boards on other sites I'll
even hear about schools that strictly forbid smudging when shading.

Of course, it can be done well with a skilled hand - but it's important to master other types of shading too. P:

In order to make things smooth, all it really takes is to use multiple layers of very gentle strokes on top of each other. No smudging or smearing necessary. The more layers there are, the smoother the gradient between shades will be. Kinda like how layering up washes in a watercolor painting can give it a really nice look.

Also. Tiny tip on horses. Their undersides will usually curve upward into where the hind leg meets the body, rather than curving back down under the leg. tle="" href="http://www.glogster.com/media/1/5/15/17/5151796.jpg">This one's a pretty good example. See how the belly rounds up into the crease between its leg and side? P: Of course that example's a little extreme because of the angle and how its leg is pushed back, but it'll usually be like that in some way.


11:43pm Nov 1 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,809

Then I think I'll stick with what I know, just using mah trusty pencils. xD

And that is something I never noticed before. o.o It's my first time trying to draw a horse, so I expected a lot more stff to be off. xD Once I find my pencil case- dear god it's been hell living without it, I may just buy a whole butt-load of pencils- I'm going to try and draw another horse, only this time, I'll keep the way it's belly curves into it's legs in mind, and hopefully it'll turn out better. :D

Thanks so much for all the constructive criticism, by the way. =D

Also, your signature scares me. =3=

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

9:57pm Nov 4 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,049
ohh, a tip on the horse.
I think the eye is too big >.<
but like people said up there ^^ the joints are awesome!

<---HA by shino || Buck by Zen--->

12:23am Nov 5 2011

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Posts: 1,775
I think this 'smudger' Magician reffered to is referring to is a tortillion (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tortillon). My opinion on this:
Don't use tortillions yet. Get better and you'll know where to use them. For now, ONLY use the pencil. Not even your fingers or a brush. Wait until you're really good at drawing first.

Use different kinds of pencils (HB,B, 6B etc.). I wouldn't advise you use H pencils yet. They're a tad difficult to use so just shade lightly with an HB. I have pencils from HB to 8B. Use nice thick cartridge paper, don't ever use office paper if you're doing detailed work like this. I can see that you're using cartiridge paper here. So that's good ;D

Yes, you can find them in Ireland. You can even find them here (where I live) where there is only one art supply shop in the whole country.


Feel the love man D:<


5:26am Nov 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 3,809

Yeah, horses heads bug me a lot sometimes, Blazed. |D The're just so weird... looking... -fails miserably at explanation-

Thankies much for all the tips, Ping. <3 I command you to go to every drawing I draw and tell me about it because you're like. Epic like that. xD -joke in case you're like me and can't understand jokes done over the internet-

I try to use these little sketchpads I keep all over the house whenever I want to do something really nice, but I must say I've been guilty of office-paper work when there are none within reach. ^_^"

I do try and use different pencils, and I use a 6B for most of my shaded work. I can't remember, but it might've been before I drew these that my dog ate almost all my pencils, so I'm not sure if I did these with my 6B or one of my backup pencils, which are primarily 4B as I'm always losing my 6B. |D

I normallly do the thinner, sharper lines- like the whiskers on the dog- using either a 2B or just a B. I don't think I've ever gone below HB for drawing with, so we have no worries there. xD

Once again, thanks so much for all the tips! <3

Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually.
... Screw it. HYE. ♥

5:49am Nov 5 2011

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I use office paper all the time actually. That's only when I do quick sketches and inks that I'm not going to colour/shade. If I do anything that I'm sure I'm going to colour/shade, I'll do it on cartridge paper or watercolour paper (since a lot of my more detailed traditional pieces are in watercolour or inks).

I don't consider myself an expert in pencil drawing, I only ever use pencils of sketching. I used to do a lot of detailed pencil work, but I don't do that as often now. I'm really just specialised in digital and sculpting. So the tips I can give are very few oAo


Feel the love man D:<

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