My Best Work Yet!

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8:46pm Sep 18 2011

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Posts: 1,651
This took over 4 hours.
First, I sketched on paper, then I erased the messy sketch lines, then I got the colours down.
Then I loaded up paint tool SAI, then I finished.
I know it's not that great compared to the excellent artists on here.
But, here it is.
I wasn't sure how the tail should go, because some had brown thingies on the end, but the others had a tail like the one below.
So any comments or critique?
But please don't say,
"It's bad."
I want to know why it's bad, or why you don't like it.
Please don't just say, "Work on your anatomy."
To me, that's just like saying.
"You drawing sucks, so be better, and I'm way better than you nananbooboo pfft."
Lol, I know your probably not thinking that at all, but I don't know why, but that's just what I think. xD
I know I need to work on anatomy, but I can't help being a bit off.

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7:17pm Sep 19 2011

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8:24pm Sep 19 2011

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Posts: 2,194

It's cute. Only thing I can suggest is: try to learn about the different brushes you can use! You could create effects like fur, etc .. and that could improve your drawings a lot! c: I use Corel Painter Essentials, so I don't know about SAI .. but I'm guessing there's plenty of different brushes on there too! c: Good job, though!


8:26pm Sep 19 2011

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Posts: 341
Awesome! I suggest studying some more feline anatomy and bone structure. Try checking out some pictures link these for reference:

Great work, and good luck ^.^

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6:16pm Sep 20 2011

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Thanks Meelanya! <3
Accelia, I'm only 12. D: I know anatomy is a big thing, but I'm not the best artist of sorts.
I also am a big fail at felines, and I've scared myself silly that I could draw that.
I usually draw canines, equines, dragons, mythical creatures, that sort of stuff.
I'll try and work on it. :)

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7:25pm Sep 20 2011

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Posts: 341
Cool, I'm 12 too *high fives*. 

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7:22pm Sep 21 2011

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7:42am Sep 22 2011

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*jawdrops and breacks*
Bow down to you! i am soo bad! for digital i am now learning it! i draw a outline with sharpie marker and take a pic with my camra and then use photobucket to color it. no people requested it yet. i usualy do chibi
want one cause i want to try!
* bows*


8:08pm Oct 23 2011

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Posts: 243
Okay, for a 12 year old that can't draw felines (apparently), this is fairly good.
I'm not sure if you were aiming for this or not, but the lines where you starting drawing the mane is blurring the black lines. If you want this effect, good, it's working out nicely.
If not, I suggest you put everything on separate layers, to make it all nice and neat.
I would also like to commend you on the pose and the shrubbery things on the bottom, but also would like to point out that the entire picture would look.. cleaner? if you used a clear, bold, and defined pen tool like... a pencil or a pen on SAI. I think this effect comes from the paintbrush tool, thus smudging everything and stuff.
Your eyes are really nicely done, but again, would be incredible without the smudging. Large hairs could be grouped together as one entire outline instead of manually drawing each and every hair.

What really irks me is the tail...
Sorry, but I'm a bit of a tail freak XD
Suggestion: practice drawing loose, flowing lines for tails and hair, since most of these aren't stiff and kinked. 

Again, you're 12 and this is pretty good artwork for a 12 year old C:
Keep practicing your art, and I'm sure you'll be as good as the other artists on Res! Keep in mind, they're probably so much older than you. 

5:11am Oct 24 2011

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Posts: 1,775
I would say that you could have saved yourself tons of time by not cleaning up your pencil likes. If you're going to colour things on the computer, there's really no need to have a clean sketch because no one will see it. My rule for sketches is that no one is supposed to understand your sketch apart from you ;D


Feel the love man D:<

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