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9:44am Aug 23 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775

Y'know the planets have been buggin me a bit. It's just the buildings and stuff aren't right. Take Reiflem for example:


Look at that flaming thingy and Otroe circle. They should be upside down, sorta like this:


This mistake doesn't just appear in reiflem, all the planets have the same thing.

And with scria, the buildings are all wonky.

I'm not demanding they all be changed, I'm just pointing out some of the things that bother me. I know it can't be changed now, it's far too late. But still, even with these flaws, the art looks amazing.


Feel the love man D:<


11:11pm Aug 24 2009 (last edited on 11:12pm Aug 24 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 1,771
So I'm not the only one to notice these things. I thought I was all by myself with this little bug. Everytime I go to a planet it tweeks me. Cool to know that I've got a buddy out there. ~Siri

Just call me Siri.

7:32am Aug 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,775
I study D&T and is interested in doing engineering. So I'm pretty paranoid about calculations and precise things. I kinda thought I was the only one too XD


Feel the love man D:<


10:15pm Aug 25 2009 (last edited on 10:21pm Aug 25 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 271
The prespective is definitely completely off realistically. Unfortunately I think that since the planets just serve the purpose of being maps it would be a little hard to pull off accurate persective on the structures all the way around and not have them be confusing and ultimately unidentifiable to the navigator. :/
Some of it could be achevied with foreshortening if it's done just right, but it would have to be stylized perfectly in order for it not to look like it's being sucked into a vortex in front of you. 


5:01pm Aug 27 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6
I actually didn't notice that until you mentioned it. xD You are right. o.O

9:29pm Sep 11 2009

Normal User

Posts: 74

On Reiflem i don't care for the flame being wrong for some reason...
Though if the Otroe circle had been sitting on the upper part of it's island it would look less wrong. X3

Realy love the art and after a short while i got used to the "faults" on them planets. :D
Has anyone noticed how some god/ess must have kicked Relcore once in the timeline? It has a dent... X3

Keep in mind: Artist =/= Magican
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