Hello, I've recently joined the site, and I see some people making tu off their commissions. I feel like doing this as well, but I'm unclear on two things:
1. How does commissioning work? As in, once someone pays me and I paint it, do I just post it on some art/picture sharing site and link the buyer to it?
2. How much would people be willing to pay for a my NON BACKGROUND coloured pieces:
For example:
ject height="355" width="450">bed/view.swf?1">bed src="http://backend.deviantart.com/em
bed/view.swf?1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="id=259448064&width=1337" allowaccess="always" height="355" width="450">ject>
Black Warrior by *
SilverBrumbyThowra on
deviantARTI don't do backgrounds because it'll take me far too long. I was thinking of making my cell-shading paintings cheaper...
ject height="466" width="450">bed/view.swf?1">bed src="http://backend.deviantart.com/em
bed/view.swf?1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" flashvars="id=263612739&width=1337" allowaccess="always" height="466" width="450">ject>
Until the End by *
SilverBrumbyThowra on
deviantARTAgain please remember that my commissions on Rescreatu DO NOT HAVE BACKGROUNDS.